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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024


  • OK, but in this metaphor I’m not a boxer, in a guy who watched part of rocky 2 and if you mugged me you’d find 3 pennies and a d20. I’m not even the ant unfortunately crushed in the machinations of these entities, I’m the dust in the grease among the cogs.

    In a practical sense it is a waste of time and resources for either of them to record my life, but if the China phone has a prettier ui and a cheaper pricetag it would be a huge improvement for me personally. Could one Midwest honky with a foreign phone and no free time genuinely cause any damage?

  • I’d accept the structures within what we define as food being a social construct. Status as fruit or vegetable doesn’t qualify it is healthy as we tend to assume. A potato is a plant and it has more in common with a loaf of bread, a yellow banana has less good in it than a Snickers bar.

    Food in total though, that’s a defined thing. Glass isn’t food because we’ve agreed as a society not to eat it, it’s not food because we can’t process it in any meaningful way.

  • My personal experience has actually been quite whew opposite of everyone here apparently. Of the 3 vegans I’ve spent time with, not one of them has ever brought it up to preach or to sound smug. It only ever comes up because I ask for a recipe they served and they say something along the lines of “now, this is a vegan recipe, but you should be able to substitute ‘x’ with ‘y’ if you wanna avoid that.” It’s never preachy, it’s always in the “don’t let this being vegan ruin it for you” kind of way.

    My low stakes conspiracy is that vegan hate on the internet is like people that don’t like the word moist. They either watched friends and decided to adopt that as a personality trait, or they look up to someone that did just that. They hate veganism because they watched a comedian quip about it and agreed or they saw someone that watched a comedian and agreed. It’s all too consistent to not be feeding from the same bowl.

  • As representatives, this is absolutely the case. However I’m going to give OP the benefit of the doubt and take it that they’re taking about the voter base. I myself hold very extreme political views, I feel we should move to a democratic technocracy with a heavy socialist lean and a community service focused punitive system, but as a US citizen my ideals aren’t supported let alone championed by my representatives. So I can use my vote 3 ways. I can choose red who actively seek to attack my family and friends. Blue, who will never choose to improve the country, or no one and my vote is meaningless and actively helping whichever side is pressing the most harmful policy.

    So alas I am a Democrat. Do they represent me? No. Do they support me? No. Do they want to kill me? No. Out of my very few options, the group that doesn’t wish my death is the absolute best I’ll see in my lifetime.