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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Unfortunately, a lot of our government is crooked as hell and Trump was basically able to put people that align with him into certain positions, such as two of the supreme justices that oversee very high profile cases such as the one where Trump argued presidents should have immunity from crimes done during presidency.

    Then you compound that with the actual literal fascist party that is the Republican party who only care about lining their pockets with money and being ok with corporations running things, and you get the shitshow that is the US today where citizens will actually support a fascist insurrectionist who clearly wants to align himself more with Russia and potentially even China, and says things such as “I will be a dictator for one day” and “the US should pull out of NATO”.

    I fear for this country and genuinely am glad I don’t live in the mainland USA - and I wouldn’t be too opposed to having my state go back to being a British Territory if Trump gets elected again.

  • 100% agree - college is only legitimately useful if the career you want to do requires or hugely benefits from a degree, or if you somehow do some crazy networking to get into a position thanks to a corporate person getting you in. For IT it’s arguable if you even need a degree or not outside of specialized fields, but I would liken getting a degree in some IT-related field to getting a cert: great to have on a resume, but experience and attitude will always beat it out.

    If you’re in the business of getting a non-STEM degree, honestly just look into going into a community college for a couple of years to learn how to socialize and maybe get a taste for higher ed stuff (this benefits anyone and everyone). After that, if you’re not gonna go for a STEM career, I would consider dropping out and focusing on work experience.

    EDIT: Should clarify, this is strictly for the US. To all fellows across the pond: yes, it is that bad.

  • It’s even more fucky when you start to consider if the ideals, values, and beliefs you hold are actually ones you yourself have determined, or if you’ve just chosen those because it’s been passed onto you either by culture, society, or your environment.

    Take the old adage “treat others how you would want to be treated” - is that something you believe because you’ve just been told that for so long? Or is that something you intrinsically believe in regardless of what others have said? It’s only an example, and I’m not honestly even sure if it conveys that idea 100%, but shit like that keeps me up man lol.