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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Generally female and male are terms used in more ‘scientific’ or exact language. I wouldn’t say, “I met a group of females last night,” but rather “I hung out with some women at the bar.” It sounds awkward to use female/male in casual conversation for the typical English speaker. on the other hand, if I was writing a paper and discussing the research subjects, I would definitely say something like, “The research cohort consisted of 22 males, ranging in age from 21-34 years old (mean 24.5, SD 1.3), and 31 females, ranging in age from 20-39 years old (mean 25.6, SD 2.1).”

    It’s come to be considered derogatory for the same reason as retarded, mentally challenged, intellectually disabled, etc. have come to be derogatory: feelings built by consensus and time. A large group of people don’t like the average ‘incel,’ and then they got the idea that incels were using the term ‘female’ in place of woman because they didn’t see humans of the female variety to be ‘people’ in the same way they viewed males.

  • Okay, I’m going to take this on its best face and believe that you might just not have thought about the process. In a jury trial, each juror gets to decide for themself what they believe happened based on the ‘facts’ presented during the trial. If you have talked to any hardcore fan of a politician, then you have seen how they can disregard just about anything that is presented about their favorite fella.

    The concern that a juror who voted for Trump; watches nothing but Fox News, Newsmax, or other ‘conservative’ media; lives in an area where only other brainwashed masses live; talks about nothing political except for conservative talking points with said neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers coworkers; and is still willing to believe in Trump’s innocence despite all the public evidence we know about will vote innocent regardless of what is presented in court is a legitimate concern. Don’t be naive and think that somehow being in court will cause a tiger to change its stripes.

    whew That was one hell of a run-on sentence.

  • What’s it matter? Because a large portion of those millions of followers are going to be in positions where they can do damage. You want to swing every single one to believe that the law was carried out in a manner true and faithful.

    Imagine, if you will, if somehow the federal government passed a law banning firearms for private use. Right now. Do you think the police in most places would actually go around and try to seize firearms? Fuck no, and not just because they aren’t suicidal morons. Most of them think people should be able to own firearms. It would be chaos as some attempted to follow the law, and others did everything they could to sabotage it.

    Now extend that to the military/national guard (and if it was “millions of followers” burning the country down, the military/national guard would get involved) in the event of Trump conviction and an imminent/happening revolt/riot. Imagine how many it would take to create mayhem inside of bases/squads/etc. Even if you want to be really positive and say that the military had plans for contingencies where they can effectively stop traitorous members, it would still take a chunk of operating efficiency.

    So, think of the way this is being handled as an effort by a large group of people to head off complaints that could be made and accusations about incorrect handling that would give cretins something to latch onto and endlessly jabber about, thus preventing a potentially swayed individual from coming to the conclusion that yes, Trump was lawfully convicted without conspiracy because he actually fucking broke the law many, many times.