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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • Passerby6497@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneStone Rule
    11 days ago

    I’m criticizing the delivery, not the message.The majority of people that heard that protest were those who travelled from around the world to see Stonehenge. Their plans were ruined, and they don’t care any more about climate change than they did that morning. Some may even resent the protesters.

    "You know, I don’t disagree that the coloreds should have more rights, but did they really need to sit at the lunch counter all day? I couldn’t sit at the counter and it made my lunch take so much longer. Really inconvenient to everyone trying to get some food.

    I just wished they’d go about it differently. They’re liable to make people even less accepting of them if they keep pulling stunts like that."

    I hope you know that’s what you sound like. Like, read the first paragraph of MLK Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail and you’ll see your argument in the “white moderate”:

    I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”

  • Do you realize that alternative political opinions are immaterial to electoral discussions about who can win on a first past the post electoral system? Maybe those alternative opinions should understand that 3rd party voting historically favor the right, which is currently running an antidemocratic fascist who wants to rev up the friers on the current genocide and spark new ones close to home?

    I’m all for alternative political options and work on those locally myself. But if you’re only voting red party every 4 years, you’re directly contributing to the slow erosion of our democratic process.

  • If you’re holding your nose in November like I am, I have no problem with you. But if that’s your single issue, know that the alternative is much worse. For the sake of harm reduction, it’s better to vote blue and stem the bleeding with someone who might bend to pressure vs the alternate option of ‘finish the job’ who wont.

    If that’s your single issue and you vote third party, that’s the behavior I’m calling out, because like it or not, our system has only 2 parties that remotely have a chance in November. They’re lining up behind a convicted felon who wants to bomb Palestine harder and all the shit that’s in project 2025 while we argue and promote accelerationist behaviors to punish or try to make the party ‘learn it’s lesson’ when history shows they only ever move right in response to losing the left.

    I fucking hate that I have to vote Biden again, but I understand electoral politics and know that accelerationist stances only harm the most vulnerable among us. Harm reduction sometimes involves doing things you find objectionable because the only other option is magnitudes worse. Biden sucks in a lot of ways, but he can somewhat be reasoned with and doesn’t want to take away my family members’ basic human rights.

    It’s a shit choice, but life is full of shit choices. And more often than not, not playing the game defaults you to the worse option.

  • So the fix is to have people changing them more often + even having more available, but that would require more work and money… blaming foreigners are just easier

    It has nothing to do with blaming foreigners, my local parks here in the US are all carry in/carry out parks with lots of signs posted stating as such, and it’s not a massive problem.

    I’m absolutely going to blame lazy fucks who can’t hold onto a bit of trash long enough to get to a trashcan or who can’t be bothered to clean up after themselves. Blaming it on lack of trash cans merely offsets responsibility and ignores that park cams are a magnet for wildlife and lead to trash blowing out of them

    So the fix is to clean up your own goddamned trash and take it with you when you leave.

    Not a hard concept…