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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I did something similar when my friend moved to another continent. I shipped her a care package (with some stuff she had left behind,) and every single side of the box had some sort of “there’s definitely no SEX TOYS inside of this box” label on it.

    When I took it to the post office, the worker laughed and even made sure to avoid covering any of them with the shipping label.

  • My coworker used to be a teller at a bank. She said it would happen once or twice a week. And they could caution the person against the transfer, and tell the person that they’re being scammed. But legally, it’s their money and if they want to give it to some random person halfway across the world, that’s their legal right.

    The tellers couldn’t outright refuse to do the transfer, because the account holder is the one who has the ultimate authority over where their money goes.

    And every single time, the person would either:
    A) be back again a day later, begging for their money back, or
    B) be back again a day later, insisting on sending more money to the scammer.

    Because if the scammer has a good mark, they’ll continue calling that same person to continue extorting money out of them. Because if you have someone who is gullible enough to fall for it once, they’ll likely be gullible enough to fall for it again.

  • I mean, cars can be demystified the same way computers can: By building and maintaining it yourself. Everyone is afraid to build their first computer, because it seems way too complicated and delicate. Then you actually build your first one, and go “oh hey this actually isn’t so bad after all.”

    Yes, cars (especially modern cars) have a lot more difficult-to-build parts. But modern cars are also a lot like computers in the sense that you don’t need to know every single component on an GPU to be able to install one. You don’t need to be able to build a car part from scratch. The same way you can slot a GPU into a motherboard, you can just buy the entire car part preassembled and bolt it into place. The important part is learning what the different components do, so you can troubleshoot them.

  • Worth noting that the “they thought they were Hamas” part is… Well… Not correct. WCK coordinated the shipment directly with the IDF. The IDF knew exactly where the trucks were, and what they were carrying. And then the IDF bombed them anyways, because they’re manufacturing a famine to further the genocide. And allowing food aid to enter would disrupt their planned famine.

    Bombing the trucks was a message for any other groups that may have considered sending humanitarian aid: “Try to help Palestinians, and we’ll kill you. Even if we know who you are, and you clear it with us ahead of time. We’ll blame Hamas and get away with it, and your death will be meaningless.” And it worked… The truck bombings had a chilling effect on any future aid that was planned, because the IDF has shown that they can and will get away with it.

  • The world from Adventure Time. It’s heavily implied to be a post-apocalyptic earth, which is wildly mutated from the present day by an atomic war. IIRC, the stated backstory is that the land of Ooo is what remains after the Great Mushroom War. We see glimpses of the world immediately following the war, and it looks like a Fallout situation, with packs of survivors, radiation exposure, etc… And eventually, it settled into the Land of Ooo.

  • I personally love my catch-all email domain. Anything that isn’t addressed to a specific list of addresses lands in a generic secondary inbox. So like I can have a personal inbox with the email address I give to friends, a work inbox for the address I give to clients, and an “everything else” inbox that isn’t associated with either work or personal emails.

    It also allows me to easily identify which companies are selling my info. If I sign up to a Walmart membership with “Walmart@[domain]” and then start seeing a bunch of spam at that address, I know they sold my info to some ad company. I can simply burn that address; I just filter everything from that address straight into spam. And now my inbox is clean again.

  • Yeah I’m personally a fan of “in 2008 the Sonic the Hedgehog series sold so much merch that people actually stopped buying houses. It directly led to the 2008 housing bubble and the massive inflation that followed. Following the recession, congress passed a rule, limiting when, where, and how much merchandise a single series was allowed to sell in stores. Google ‘Sonic Inflation Rule 34’ to find out more.”

  • There’s also the historical issue where gay people were sent to the church to “hide” the fact that they were gay. Basically, if you were of marrying age and hadn’t taken a bride, people would begin to ask questions.

    Sure, at first you can handwave it away. But eventually, your neighbors get suspicious. After all, this is a time when virtually everyone pairs off and gets married. If you aren’t married, it’s either because something is wrong with you, or you’re choosing not to take a bride. And in an age where being gay would turn you into an exile (at best) or just straight up get you killed, you definitely didn’t want the neighbors to get suspicious. There’s also the shame it may bring to your family if you’re outed as gay.

    So instead, the church offers a nice shiny excuse for why you haven’t taken a bride. You’re joining the clergy, and becoming a man of God. No more questions asked about your lack of a wife. But this meant that the church was bursting at the seams with a bunch of sexually repressed gay people. They definitely couldn’t talk to each other about it, because (again) that’d get you stoned to death. So instead, you have a bunch of priests taking their frustrations out on the helpless altar boys under their care.

    And when that altar boy eventually speaks out about the abuse, your higher ups have a vested interest in covering it up. Because they’re gay and sexually repressed too, and also likely abused (or were culpable in the abuse of) altar boys in the past. And so your higher ups will just continue stacking that house of cards higher and higher, to try and avoid any suspicion landing on themselves when the people they abused come forward.

    This isn’t to play into the “gays=perverts” talking point that right wing media loves to parrot. But it is an important bit of context into why so many priests ended up being abusers. They were basically a bunch of horny gay guys who had constantly been told that their feelings were shameful and they should repent for them. So they buried those feelings until they festered, and then they ended up acting out on the nearest helpless victims they found.

  • Hyperloop was always just a way of delaying rail expansions to prioritize cars. Every time a major city has announced that they’re going to be working on a new rail expansion to make public transport more accessible, Elon and his fanboys went “wait for the hyperloop!” And the rail expansion would get delayed.

    All because Elon wanted to deter accessible public transport, so he could sell more cars. His goal was essentially to get ahead of the public transport push, so by the time it rolls back around again he can go “teslas, FSD, and robotaxis (all generating profit for him) are so common that we don’t need public transport anymore.”

  • That’s how apple displays groupchat participants. Each one of those bubbles is a contact, with their initials. If the user only has one name listed, it only shows one initial. If they have first+last then it shows two initials. And if they have a contact photo, it shows that instead of the initials.