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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • But why would someone pay for the software if the seller is not adding any value to to product?

    A: the mistaken belief that the seller is adding value, even in the face of all evidence, which is caused by a capitalist tendency to believe that all prices are inherently just

    B: disbelief in the idea of anything worthwhile being free, which is caused by the capitalist tendency to attack the free exchange of goods and services.

  • Well sure. A bigot cannot tolerate the free exchange of ideas. If bigots don’t have a safe space to be bigots, then someone may come along and call them a transphobe and hurt their feelings. Authoritarian powers have always found excuses to shut down the speech of progressive radicals. Protest cannot be tolerated. They will use words like “brigading”, and “wrecker”, and “harassment” to construct a worldview in which political speech is a moral wrong, and they will enforce that worldview. I’ve seen this behaviour from both Blahaj and Hexbear. And I’ve seen it from my own government used against all kinds of progressive protesters. It’s universal.

  • It’s great that you’re so open minded to seeing things from another perspective.

    I don’t blame the artist who originally drew that poster, but I do think she could have played it smarter than to give a AAA gaming company the rights to a controversial and nuanced satire of transphobia. The result of that is kind of inevitable when you consider the capitalist context of big companies like CDPR. I totally want to see political media exploring these issues in indie games, but trusting big corporations to have a nuanced discussion of the most delicate trans issues is a bad idea. A cis woman with a glowing dildo up her pants on CDPR’s Twitter was kind of inevitable

  • I agree that preserving the bigotries of the past to show people what they were like critically is important. Although I don’t think Cyberpunk counts in this instance. Yes, the artist who originally drew that poster had the intention of satirising the way capitalist companies use trans bodies to sell anything. The problem is, then CD Projekt Red, the capitalist company, used the poster to sell their game. They did the exact thing they were trying to satirise. At one point they held a cosplay contest, and the winner was a cis woman who stuck a glowing dildo up her pants to cosplay as the woman in that poster. And CDPR put images of her cosplay all over their twitter. A cis woman dressed up as a satire of the commodification of trans bodies to win a contest, and a company used her image to sell a video game. You can’t have effective satire while doing the very thing you “satirised”. I believe the original artist intended to satirise, but the company that owns the rights to the image just played it straight and did the horrible thing in sincerity.

  • Every user pays the same for the app, but the app pays an amount dependent on how much its users are browsing and posting. So if your users are all lurkers who open Reddit once a day, then you can make an easy profit charging a small fee. But if your core userbase are power posters and mods and people who spend every bathroom break on reddit, you’ll lose money unless you charge a huge subscription.

    The power users moving to Lemmy actually made these app subscriptions cheaper and more financially viable, because it brought down the activity level of their average user. If things had stayed the same, apps would be more expensive to run.

    Funny enough, the more reddit dies, the more profitable third party apps get.