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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • At this point, I think the only possible solution, aside from the obvious and cheaper life without parole, is to move to a pneumatically operated guillotine. We know that any post-separation convulsions are entirely disconnected from the brain. Sure, it’s a little messy, but retribution and vengeance have their drawbacks. Just clean up the mess or stop executing people.

    On a realistic note, I would not be surprised that holding his breath led to his “torture” with CO2 building up in his blood as he intentionally writhed and resulting in actual discomfort as the body reacted to the CO2 even as the lack of oxygen in the breathing mix caused him to lose consciousness. It’s his final act to make a posthumous case (real or sensational) against his executioners. I find it hard to imagine that trace CO2, in even welding N2, would be sufficient to cause a reaction unless they intentionally got a gas mix (I don’t weld with N2, but 75Ar/25CO2 is very common for MIG).

  • Across a stage? Do you really think Trump will attend a debate? Or that his followers will care either way?

    No, the play here is you have to find someone that 30% of the electorate will actively vote for. You’ve already lost the anti-zionists, the envronmentalists, the Cubans, the Catholic hispanics, the student loan forgivenessers, the low-taxers, the gas-pricers, and the libertarians. EV enthusiasts are gone too, since half are listening to Musk as a demigod and the other half are mad that everyone is throwing their weight behind his charging standard and giving him patent royalty money. No, what’s left (ha!) are the milquetoast republicans and globalist democrats who you must court enough to register actual votes in actual precincts. Oh sure, there are a handful of centrist body autonomists who are mad about Roe (but weren’t preemptively angry enough to vote in Hillary) that you have in your back pocket, but there has to be enough to counter the brain-washed MAGA crowd. And the MAGA crowd may be a little less confused about whether early voting is Liberal Ballot Box Stuffing or part of the MAGA master plan to spread Patriotism and a Can of American Whoopass™ and get their votes in early this time.

  • There is nobody else with the name recognition or independent/middle clout - the swing voters the Ds need to win. Who are you going to put up - Kamala? Bernie? The middle/middle-right would rather stay home and sit on their hands while Trump drags out his base in the big red states. The best possible outcome is for Biden to take the economic momentum into a win and then step down and give the next generation 3+ years to forge their path. Of course, if you’re a Lefty, you don’t want Kamala either, so the only option is for the entire administration to step away and watch a true Left slate fail miserably in every swing state.

  • You sound like you live near me. Except that one of our SB candidates actually got fired as the school district Superintendent for violently yelling at one of his subordinates over trans policy, and now he has an axe to grind and want to be on the school board to exact his revenge. We’ve got a second candidate who is supported by Moms For Liberty and has zero take on the actual policies except for some fear that trans kids are planning some mass molestation of cis kids if they’re allowed to use the bathroom of their gender selection (ignoring that most trans kids I know would rather never step foot in a public school restroom for any reason if they could). If they both get on it will be a certified shit show.

  • Trivially, from an administrative standpoint. You rent/buy a new place out of state, fill out the local forms to get a new driver’s license and change your residence address. Registering to vote in your new location is often handled by just getting your new driver’s license, and all states offer comity - if you have a license in an US state they’ll give you a new one without a test, just a small fee. Even for professional workers who have to be licensed it’s rarely more than a day or two of hassle and a week to a month of administrative waiting. I’m an engineer and have licenses in 6 states; most allow you to simply fill out forms and pay a fee (and have no judgements on your current license) and they’ll review and issue you a license. Doctors, nurses, teachers, hairdressers, accountants, lawyers are usually similar, though some states have slightly different requirements so you may need to take a test or add some continuing education.

    Practically, you need to have some savings - a rarity for Americans. Moving expenses from state to state is similar to moving from one city to another within a state. There is the issue of children in school (mainly the emotional cost of re-making friend groups), and your own social life (mainly the emotional cost of re-making friend groups). And, of course, you will need a job - something harder to find when you are remote, and difficult if you work in a rarefied industry.

  • If on the ballot she would win, too.

    One of the biggest barriers to a functioning democracy is inertia (name recognition), which is why we need term limits so badly. Ask any democrat, for example, and they’ll tell you they want younger, more diverse candidates. But when asked to check a box in the spring of 2020 for president, the majority (plurality?) bypassed the female candidates, candidates of color, and the non-CIS candidate(s) to choose an old white man as their champion - and not even the liberal old white man at that. We need these old-ass MFers out of the way, for our own damned good.