• 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2021


  • Mods: Get every report in the community and can temp/perm ban you from the community and/or remove the comment

    Admins (community’s instance and reported user’s instance) Can do anything a moderator can, and can ban you from their instance (bans you from all communities on that instance as well) When this happens, you will essentially be shadowbanned from every user on that instance, which in some cases can be a blessing as some instances have some VERY harassing users so they will no longer be able to bother you any more after the ban.

    Admins (your instance) They have access to the server your account is on, so they can do anything to you. Being banned from your own instance is like having your account seized. Your content will stay up (if they choose not to delete it) and you won’t be able to log in. You won’t be given a chance to appeal so you’re basically locked out.

    Admins (other instances) They won’t get your report but if they see your comment and find it particularly distasteful, they may choose to ban you from their instance, and you can bet your bottom dollar they won’t be accepting your request if you ever try to sign up there.

  • They go to every party, so if you see rule-breaking content, even if it’s from a moderator (ESPECIALLY if it’s from a moderator) then report it. Reports are the only communication that certain parties get into how things are being run, so it can really kickstart diplomacy efforts if someone, a community, or an instance is being openly abusive. Exception: some apps will allow you to choose where your reports go.

  • The disconnect comes from the fact that being a fascist and being a progressive are mutually exclusive. A lot of people think that as long as you’re a progressive you can’t possibly be a nazi, not realizing that’s literally what the nazis were all about. It’s why eugenicists always say that ethics “get in the way of progress” and why decimating cultures is always framed as “civilizing” them.

  • They hide my comment just because I said murder was the worse crime even worse than pedophilia and r–e

    Yeah youtube’s far right bias showing very strong with what they choose to censor. The only comment I have ever gotten a threatening message from was the one where I called out an elon fanboy for ‘hate speech’ because apparently “billionaire” is a protected category. They also seem to blanket ban anything critical of pedophilia which is just the nice little cherry on top. Meanwhile shorts are just full of nazi propaganda. Yep.

    BTW if you get shadowbanned and view the comment in incognito it will still show your comments even though they’re deleted, because as a recent lawsuit proves, incognito mode in chrome is little more than the illusion of being logged off.