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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • Nyfure@kbin.socialto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 months ago

    Seemy like you dont know how the cli actually works.
    So if you ever have to touch the CLI (not sure when a normal user would need to), you complain you dont know the CLI instead of learning the tools you want to use?
    Lots of stuff on Windows didnt work for me when i wanted advanced things… very intuitive to fix that, if it was even possible.
    Every system has its fair share, but if you are unwilling to learn and understand your tools before using them, you might drill yourself in the hand. Windows is just a bit over-protective before you can do so.

  • Of course they are linked, but removing the username from the comments means they are mostly anonymized as far as GDPR is concerned.
    It is perfectly fine to unlink data and keep processing it, as long as its considered anonymized under GDPR.

    Your post content here is also not considered personal data, it shows up on a lookup request because its currently linked. If i crawl the page and dont save the username, the resulting data can most likely be considered anonymized under GDPR as far as the current interpretation is concerned.
    It only becomes a problem as soon as i become aware the content indeed did contain personal data or probably also if i could have expected it to with high probability.
    And i’d have to make sure to remove obvious ways to re-link the content to your user (e.g. mentions of your username in comments).

    Anything else requires precedence about ways to re-identify someone based on posts on a platform weighed against the users freedom and the difficulty of doing such re-identification.

    Recital 26 discusses when something could be considered anonymous. (or rather when gdpr would apply at all, and what it means to have anonymous data)

  • Now i dont want to defend reddit here, but afaik most comments are not subject to GDPR as long as you dont know they contain personal data and they have been detached from other personal data fields (like username).
    So by removing personal data fields, they most likely become “anonymized”.
    Of course thats not the end of it, you have to consider the available technology to de-anonymize this data for it to be legally called anonymized.

    But i dont think there has been any case where this was challenged before… and i bet most supervisory authorities would discard such complaints as being “too hard to follow through”. (i got that reply from the Netherlands authority for checking newsletter opt-in from a website)
    And i certainly dont think reddit or any operator will be forced to delete comments because they could be deanonymized depending on the content the user wrote, when most comments probably cannot be deanonymized.
    Having to check everything for potentially identifiable data in that regard would be ridiculous for website operators.
    Maybe some light checks sure, but not as deep as it would be required to truly anonymize everything that a user could have written to identify them.
    Alot of that information becomes fragments as soon as you unlink it from the user. e.g. 12 people in a post wrote “I am gay”, great. But if you cant link that back to other comments of the same users somewhere else, its not identifiable, just text.

  • In an more ideal world, getting less money because people tip less, would push you to reconsider the job choice and ultimately switch to something more lucrative.
    With less workers, the company would be forced to pay more to even get employes.

    Problem with this idealised scenario is, it doesnt work in the US, because workers are getting screwed so much and have so little choices at those low paying jobs, they’d be the ones loosing massively in the short-term.
    And with little support structures my the states and federal government, they would fail… and the 2 party system would fail them even harder, noone cares about them in the government… too much invested in fighting imaginary culture wars.

    But then again, using less services of the business leads to the same outcome in the end, so even that wouldnt work well.
    The business will always win in the short-term.
    So as it is ineviteable, maybe its better to think long term anyways.

    And everyone wants tips these days, no longer just a gratitude or paying low wage workers, but now also a ‘bid’… (sure not every worker might like relying on tips, but specially well paid servers prefer it as they make bank)
    I dont see you getting iut of tipping either way very well without government intervention… which i dont see happening, but you have orher big issues too…

  • Yes, you need an organization which signs your certificate, so it is trusted by default. This is our trust-anchor so we know the certificate presented was validated and it was given only to the website owner.
    There are numerous around the world for that.
    And if that is no longer offered, you can just not have your certificate signed, which means browsers will complain about it.
    But you can trust your own certificate yourself. Or create your own certificate authority which can then sign other certificates for the community as their new trust anchor.
    I think we would very quickly build the web-of-trust, but for certificates.

    You can even not have certificates, but keep an weak form of TLS (no idea if browsers support TLS_DH_anon_*), but its still encrypted and can only be broken by an active Man-in-the-Middle-attack. (which is theoretically detectable later on)
    Diffie-Hellman is an awesome key-exchange.

  • smartctl

    But 10.000 seems on the low side, i have 4 datacenter toshiba 10tb disks with 40k hours and expect them to do at least 80k, but you can have bad luck and one fails prematurely.
    If its within warranty, you can get it replaced, if not, tough luck.

    Always have stuff protected in raid/zfs and backed up if you value the data or dont want a weekend ruined because you now have to reinstall.
    And with big disks, consider having more disks as redundancy as another might get a bit-error while restoring the failed one. (check the statistical averages of the disk in the datasheet)

  • Async is good because threads are expensive, might aswell do something else when you need to wait for something anyways.
    But only having async and no other thread when you need some computation is obviously awful… (or when starting anothe rthread is not easily manageable)

    Thats why i like go, you just tell it you want to run something in parallel and he will manage the rest… computational work, shift current work to new thread… just waiting for IO, async.

  • The License is clearly not Free by imposing restrictions to e.g. commercial vs non-commertial usage or distribution. It also restricts usage of name and logo aswell as terminating the license when legal action is taken against the provider.

    While i can understand the reasoning, the license still stands against FOSS.
    I believe you could have clearly separated them as provider and the software like its done in most cases. By wanting to protect their software, they had to restrict the License, so its no longer Free to use in any form you’d want.