Oh hey, hay čxʷ q̓ə for the reply! That’s good to know what the equivalent quality is. I juuuust discovered a good, high quality instant coffee that is decent. It’s called Davidoff. Pricey at anywhere from $15 - $20(!) CAD for 100g.
I’m trying to avoid Nestle products on principle, and I find the Tim Horton’s original blend way too high acidity/bitterness but it’s okay in a pinch.
I’ll take a look at more of the big box stores you mentioned.
Yes, you’re right everything can cause serious harm or kill, but certain things are designed to harm or kill, or designed to look like something that could harm or kill.
Context is a big factor here. A person holding a 6 inch knife in a kitchen? No one is going to bat an eye. They’re probably using that knife to prep vegetables. Same knife, same person but they are walking around a market/playground/movie theatre? Suddenly it’s a very different situation and context.
Is that stranger with the knife safe? I don’t know, but I do know that I don’t have anything to defend myself aside from what is around me if they ARE NOT a safe person.