So many interests, so little time and money. Always interested in talking to more like-minded people!

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 3rd, 2022


  • Krita has CMYK, and very good non-destructive editing these days. It’s my preferred photo editor, including for the occasional magazine ad work I do. It also has great support for PS files, including smart layers, etc, plus it has layer effects, masking, filter layers, GPU accelerated canvas, and G’MIC support covers a lot of the fancier pbotoshop stuff like content-aware fill. IMO, for the workflow and interface alone, it’s leagues ahead of G***.

  • I usually buy the gardein nuggets as they have a really good texture for it. You can use the big TVP chunks. If you do, you should hydrate it in stock with a splash of vinegar, press the moisture out, sautee in lots of fat until a good sear develops, and then coat in breadcrumbs or corn-starch and fry.

    I’ll do tofu as well. You have to buy good tofu though, not that mealy garbage in the plastic container full of water.

    Fried cauliflower is delicious, but devoid of protein, so I never use it here as I don’t want to be hungry in an hour.

  • if every word that offended anyone anywhere was banned…

    I’m hearing this point a lot, but it just makes clear that people aren’t reading or understanding my other remarks. This isn’t a random word that someone decided was offensive. This is a slur that is well known to large number of disabled people. They have been telling us this for some time. You haven’t heard it used that way? That’s great, but that also doesn’t mean that it isn’t. You know who does know what slurs are used against them? The people who are targeted by them. I’ll bet there are plenty of slurs you haven’t heard of that are, in fact, still slurs regardless.

  • Let me get this straight:

    In the following scenario, the app developer is in the right?

    • App dev: Here’s my new app! It’s called F----T, for FAntastic Gnome Game On Terminal.
    • Me: Hey, that word is offensive to me and others like me, it’s a word we hear before being beaten, bullied, killed, or discriminated against. Do you think you could change it?
    • App dev: No. My intent was not to discriminate. You’re being unreasonable.
    • Me: The fact that you are unwilling to even entertain changing the app name from a well known slur used against people like me makes me feel completely unwelcome.
    • App dev: Sounds like your problem, sticks and stones.