Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • In a written statement, the ADL said the decision by Wikipedia was the result of a ”campaign to delegitimize the ADL” and that editors opposing the ban “provided point by point refutations, grounded in factual citations, to every claim made, but apparently facts no longer matter.

    You of all groups should know that the last part of your statement is a common right-wing dog whistle that gets used when someone doubles down after their “facts” get rejected for bigotry and/or inaccuracy. By using that phrase, you’ve automatically cast doubt on the legitimacy of your actions and statements. At best you’re ignorant of a common dog whistle, which is embarrassing for an organization who should be well-versed in this kind of thing; at worst you’ve signaled to everyone that you’re potentially peddling “alternative facts”, which casts doubt on everything you’ve done in the past. Either way, you’re ultimately hurting the Jewish people by making that kind of statement.

    Mira Sucharov, a professor of political science at Carleton University, said Wikipedia’s decision represents a major opportunity to reflect on why the ADL is facing scrutiny and rethink communal approaches for fighting antisemitism.

    “This is a sign that the Jewish community needs better institutions,” she said.

    They really do, and I feel bad for them. The places that should be defending them seem more than happy to ignore them or even throw them under the bus in the name of Zionism.

    Like, okay, personal beliefs on Zionism aside, if your organization is tasked with defending a group of people, you should ensure your actions aren’t going to endanger, delegitimize or otherwise encourage bigotry against said group. That means that even if you’re a Zionist Jewish organization, if your task is to fight against bigotry towards Jews, you shouldn’t be ignoring non-Zionist Jews nor should you be dismissing their views. Instead, you should be listening to what they have to say, condensing it and releasing it in an manner easy for non-jews to understand (which means providing political, historical and religious context, because many people, myself included, don’t understand as much as they think they do about Judaism).

    In the current context, you should be giving people statements from Zionist and non-Zionist Jews about Palestine, and attempt to include non-biased historical, religious and political backgrounds for events that are occurring.

    I think ethnically Jewish people could make an honest argument that they should have some portion of Palestine based on historical origins (I think it’s a weak arguement, but I think you could argue for it). However, that doesn’t excuse the way that the IDF and Israeli government have treated Gaza and the West Bank.

    You can criticize the Israeli government while also believing that ethnically Jewish people should be able to have a country they have control over. Other countries do this all the time (get criticized for poor treatment of the “outside” ethnic group(s)), why is this somehow different for Israel? Why aren’t we allowed to criticize Israel? I can talk about how France, a white, French ethnostate, is mistreating Muslims without being a racist bigot; I should be able to talk about Israel the same way.

  • Why would you want to be compared to a greedy sociopath who destroyed the planet’s ecosystem and represented unbound industrialist/capitalist greed? Sure, he eventually figured out that what he was doing was wrong, but by that time it was too late and the world was fucked. It’s like getting horny for BP executives in 2070 because they said sorry and discovered the error of their ways but only after oil was no longer profitable due to 90% of the planet being uninhabitable.

  • Eurovision: we want to expand into North America and get US broadcasters in on the event so that we have a larger viewer base and make more money.

    Also Eurovision: geoblocks Eurovision in the US so Americans can’t watch, meaning Eurovision has a non-existent viewer base in the US and isn’t financially viable for American broadcasters to invest in.

    Seriously, my biggest complaint about Eurovision, besides all the bullshit that went on this year, is that they’ve made it nearly impossible for Americans to show interest in it; despite the fact they’ve expressed the interest in expanding into the US.

  • There are already active items that make you fully immune to damage (not just contact damage). That said, they are time limited as opposed to being functional as long as you stay in the room. However, my thought was that still being vulnerable to projectiles would help balance it, especially since it would also increase your size 3x, which makes it harder to dodge projectiles due to the increased hitbox size. Iirc size up at least used to increase hitbox size, though I think it was capped to stop you from being soft locked because you were too big to navigate the rooms.

  • Dude, that’d be an awesome BoI item.

    Plastic Dinosaur (active item, 4 room charge):

    • size up 3x

    • 2x damage

    • deal contact damage

    • immune to contact damage (can still be hurt by projectiles)

    • can’t fire tears

    • killing enemies makes Isaac to roar

    • 50% chance to consume enemies and gain 1/2 heart (or maybe an item charge) when Isaac’s damage is greater than the enemy’s max health.