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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • This is exactly why I always tell myself it’ll be super fun and easy to replace a Linux distro on one of my machines, and I do the fun part of balancing release style, desktop environment, all the shiny stuff…know what stops me dead in my tracks upon install?

    Deciding a file system. Because it feels like such a weighty decision with far-reaching effects.

    According to internet research, they’re all the right one, they’re all the wrong one, they’re all just fine, and don’t use any of them because they’ll wipe all your data. Lol

    Your documentation on file system choice is either anecdotal or engineering-masters-thesis, seemingly no in-between.

    I’ve just decided BTRFS with snapshots is great, and keep good enough backups that I shouldn’t have to fiddle with the fanciest deep-knowledge features to save my system.

    Might be my ADHD as well. XD

  • Sheesh, FOSS licenses really are the only force in the universe that can stop this nonsense.

    I remember shelling out for Substance indie licenses thinking it would be a good investment. Shortly after they’re:

    • part of the “adobe family” (yaaay! /s)
    • Not gonna make it subscription only, c’mon guys. It’s ok.
    • No seriously, we hear you, you’ll have options! Definitely!
    • Newsletter: Ok we’re subscription only, “Get your keys for the super out of date version because we’re just deleting it from human history now.”
    • SaaS cloud only and you’re gonna like it, peasant.

    Never trusting private software like that ever again.

  • I hate when it also feels like you’re butting into a conversation with some “locals” by asking a question. Lol

    Like with a forum you could just open up with “Hey guys, so I tried to do this and… thanks for any help!”

    But in Discord you feel so awkward just hopping into “#general” because it’s the project’s only support board and going “HEY I TRIED THIS AND IT’S NOT WORKING ANY IDEAS?” as their chat about local weather scrolls your request away. Lmao

  • Don’t throw a temper tantrum and delete content, MIGRATE IT.

    That’s something I wish a lot of subs had the foresight to do before the API-block launched. I imagine it’s much more thankless and labor intensive to crawl the useful information from communities now. (But don’t worry, tons of Ais already did! /s)

    I miss forums, too.

    Most of the places that USED to turn up in search results are GONE because there was no point in paying for hosting when a seemingly superior outside solution with greater reach and greater response times existed.

    Also the story with Discord. Hey, you wanna try and shout your question like you’re in the middle of the New York Stock Exchange in the 90’s and hope you get a response? It’s instant tho! Even if the solution will be completely ephemeral and your question will be asked a million more times.


  • I agree with you there. I imagine Lemmy doesn’t have it nearly so bad yet, but it was sad finding a cool-sounding subreddit that was positively littered with spam.

    With like one post saying “So is there anything relevant about the topic here?”

    You could tell there was an idea there but it needs gardening. I’m honestly surprised there is such a high percentage of people willing to be active, unpaid mods on some of those higher traffic subs!

  • Exactly. If we were researching monkeys and one of those monkeys was inexplicably obsessed with hoarding all the bananas away from everyone else, even through violence, even though the pile of bananas obtained could dwarf the Pyramids of Giza, and they were all going bad anyway, while the other monkeys starved…

    We’d say there’s something very, very wrong with that monkey.

    But it wouldn’t get that far, because the rest of the troupe would exile that one or beat them to death to preserve the rest of the community.