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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s like catching a little kid in a lie and they just keep on making up more and more hilarious crap to cover the initial lie. Each lie builds on itself requiring a bigger, more ridiculous lie to cover it up and before you know it, you went from who ate the missing yogurt to now the sky is a glass dome, the sun is a giant flashlight that the government turns on and off and the moon only glows because of magical glow worms that live on its surface

  • This is right where I am. The funny (and ofren annoying) part is, if I talk with someone from either side they automatically assume I’m the polar opposite of them. People on the far left thing I’m a trump loving maga hat wearing Republican because I don’t love Biden or a lot of the democratic policies. People on the right think I’m left wing extremist that wants to abort all babies and murder Jesus Christ with the LGBTQ+ militia because I don’t love everything Republican. You simply cannot exist in the middle with most people. I can’t get these people to realize I just hate all of them lol

  • I think the key thing is most people don’t like change. They know stroads. They may not love stroads but they work and it’s what they’ve used. I’ve been all over the place in this country and by and large public transportation SUCKS and creates more headaches than anything. Just hopping into a car is 1000x easier. So that’s the view I think most people go into this with. In the cities where public transportation is good, it’s a complete game changer, but they are few and far between so most people don’t have a good reference point. They see people pushing public transportation and think of their own shitty system and say F that.

  • lol i didn’t edit my comment. If by edit you mean i “misquoted” the parent comment then i suppose you’re technically right. Let me fix it, “it’s typically $20-30k for solar panels on my roof, only.” i really don’t think it’s very different than “20-30k only”. I understand it’s still expensive… that’s kinda exactly my point. But saying something is “only” $20-30k is just pretty funny to me cause i’m a poor lol.

  • Thanks for the info! this makes me feel a bit better about swallowing the fat price point if the numbers work out. I’m hoping maaaaybe i can DIY some of it too as I’ve done decent amount of electrical work but i think hooking solar up to my home and having a standby battery and all that stuff may be out of my ability. Also, hearing about your HOA makes me so angry. We only recently got our HOA to overturn the same dumb rule in my neighborhood. So annoying…

  • Yeah I get that. The problem is (at least around where I live) is they don’t give you 25 years to pay it off. I need to take out a loan to pay it back pretty quickly and I’m paying with interest so it changes things a little. I also can’t find any one that can do it for under like 50k which sucks. At least not yet.

    I’m hoping that prices drop and the subsidies get a little more helpful or something. But right now I just can’t figure out a way to afford it. It’s just too expensive. Do you have them by any chance?

  • I’m genuinely curious at this point if that point even exists. Like, I’ve had legitimate conversations with multiple people and i’ve asked them “what would need to happen for you to believe in human’s causing climate change?” The answer is generally something along the lines of “I’m not sure it’s even possible for humans to have that big of an effect on the earth.”

    I would imagine there are tons of people out there who think the same, people with VERY deep pockets and in equally powerful positions that would never change course on their money making machines. Literally the only way I see substantial change happening is if it becomes incredibly profitable.