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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • We’re not talking about anything of substance because of you and people like you purposefully and disingenuously distorting the facts. Its fucking cornstarch. I haven’t had kids because I think the world isn’t going to be around for my grand kids and its selfish to create new life with that knowledge. But you keep talking about the fucking cornstarch as if these people smacked your mother. Shut the fuck up. Get some perspective you pompous dolt.

  • It’s always fun to play is he weirdly out of touch because he’s a billionaire or is he weirdly out of touch because he’s autistic. I think this might be a bit of both.

    Hand gestures don’t come naturally to everybody. Some people learn them just to fit in and some try and evoke the same emotions from them without understanding the emotions or the motions completely because they’re just not physically capable of connecting those brain synapses. Add to that the fact Elon doesn’t hang out with normal people. He only hangs out with engineers and sycophants. So he doesn’t get to naturally see people in their everyday environment. He only sees people acting in videos and then he tries to imitate that and the sycophants and engineers around him applaud him. The dumb shit he says gets retweets so he thinks everyone agrees. Then he goes out into the real world and continues parroting this end stage meming with gestures he learned from Hitler speaches, not realizing the jerky movement was due to low frame rate and high meth rate, and is stun locked when everybody else is trying to figure out what the fuck is happening. And what the fuck is happening is that we are witnessing a man who is so far up his own ass that even basic hand gestures are oddly shitty.

  • As a person who doesnt pirate games I hope empress reigns supreme for the rest of eternity. I just get to the cackle at craziest fucking headlines that come out of the game piracy community because of this one person. This one insane fucking person Has this global community bent to their will and you can’t even complain about it because what are you gonna do? Go pay for things? Fuck that noise.

    If it were in a movie I would say it’s overwritten. If I didn’t know how crazy people can seriously crazy I would think it’s performance art. It’s the rare perfect storm in modern day where everybody’s doing something wrong so you can point and laugh at the misery of all of the people involved.