Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • You really can’t see how a child can fall through the cracks of a fucked government care system and fall in with people who would take advantage of them?

    Just warn all the kids off strangers, no way some won’t hear it, ignore it, or literally do the opposite of what they’re told for stupid childish reasons.

    Brilliant thinking my friend, lets just tell all our kids not to get kidnapped, human trafficking, solved!

    And before you get semantic on me, manipulating a child into coming with you against their own interests even as it is then not taking them against their will, is still kidnapping.

  • That’s less than a non-response. Self-inflicted sabotage of your own credibility.

    Openly advertising your inability to understand why you disagree well enough to make others comprehend your stance with actual sentences that mean things.

    So you try to pretend that a witty remark counts for something.

    If you ever genuinely tried good-faith discussion, you’d see how little sense your position makes as you’d struggle to put together arguments that actually convince anyone.

    Obviously this person shouldn’t be walking free, and needs serious rehabilitation.

    But the same way adult ex-cons who end up back in prison in the US within months of release due to a fucked justice system, are victims, this literal child groomed into a tool to enact violence at the behest of others, is even moreso.

  • Yeah.

    Kill that guy for us, or we’ll kill you, you owe us, sorta requires understanding death.

    You think these kids take the “deal” knowing where it leads? Even some adults are easy to manipulate… so a fourteen-year-old?

    I’d agree that some teen that kills of their own volition isn’t innocent… But there’s a literal gang involved that is actively grooming kids for murder.

    As for the government letting it happen, agreed. Modern politics, legislation, and government executive branches address problems at a snails pace. Often actively causing them because politicians refuse to enact laws based on what is known, rather than what they feel.

    Kinda like you, feeling like the victimhood of this actual child shouldn’t be acknowledged.

    An attempt to address this with such a tainted perspective surely wouldn’t cause problems. /S

  • The kid is a victim.

    And in Sweden what in the US would be called a “juvenile detention center” would fall under the term of “youth home”. He wasn’t returned to the same one.

    I don’t think they’re exactly leaving him unguarded, being underage, there isn’t another type of facility suited for legally incarcerating him. These facilities essentially double as juvie and orphanages.

    Mixing kids who are simply in government care with ones that are violent, was never a good idea though. These two systems should be separate, because it’s now turning the former into the latter.

    According to accounts for this story from eight sources including a former gang member, several youth home workers, prosecutors and criminologists, the homes have turned into recruiting grounds for gangs, who use them to enlist killers too young to be jailed.

    Gangs have essentially found a loophole for legal murder. Get a child to do it.

    They’re the ones masterminding this shit. It’s not like these actual children, with government rooves over their heads, are taking on contract killing to make ends meet.

  • Are comprehension and disagreement mutually exclusive to you?

    No part of understanding what someone is saying prevents you from then dismissing them if they are full of shit.

    But it kind of has to happen in that order. People are not full of shit, because they disagree with you. You disagree with them, when and if they are full of shit.

    You can’t be sure someone is wrong, until you can explain why. And yeah, sometimes that’s as easy as going, “well this person is completely insane”.

    At the same time, the sane ones, are only going to disagree and engage with you, if they’ve determined that you are full of shit.

    Do you have to listen to every nutcase that walks up to pick a fight? Of course not.

    But if you do regularly get accosted for holding some view or other, it doesn’t hurt to take a closer look. Even if the people bringing it up with you are being dicks about it.

  • You’re the one polarizing the discussion. You’re literally the only one actually drawing a definite line, thereby excluding the possibility of you crossing it. So, if you aren’t a “racist bigot” why engage in this self-deprecation? Why lament the inability to engage in good-faith discussion, by actively doing the opposite? You could be being “the bigger person” by ignoring any perceived fallacies. Instead, you’re throwing a tantrum by being the most condescending person in the “room”.

    It’s not anarchist bullshit. The point of ACAB is to pull attention to the fact that if there were lots of good cops, they should be doing something about all the bad ones. But they aren’t.

    Hence the solution needs to be far more drastic than most precincts and politicians are prepared to consider. That’s where ACAB leads.

    It is not for the public to invent the solution. That’s literally what leaders and legislators are supposed to be doing. All we can really do is keep rejecting all proposals that won’t actually solve the severely entrenched systematic problem.

    Hence: ACAB.

  • You’re not exactly putting out a “convince me otherwise, I’ll consider what you have to say fairly”-feeling energy yourself.

    My experience has been utterly different from yours, in fact your initial comment there is one of the least “cordial” comments I’ve seen. I’d posit you’re seeing a response to the way you write your thoughts. People aren’t interested in engaging with stone walls, but they will try to take a sledgehammer to the ones they think are in the way.

    And that’s before I address you suggesting there’s a “middle ground” in the lgbtq+ debate. There is no “middle ground” when it comes treating people like people, and treating them in the way they need. That is, a way that doesn’t make them want to end themselves.

    “As is mine” is a harrowing line in your initial comment. You are not under attack. In any way whatsoever. You are not being asked to give up, a, single, thing. The core argument is that people want to exist, and they want to be happy. That costs you nothing, at least in terms of “identity”.

    It displays a seriously concerning lack of understanding of the changes that the sane people in the debate want enacted, or more charitably, that you’ve mistaken the insane ones for the ones that are considered reasonable.

    If I ask for water so I can live, you don’t respond with “but how much do you really need”. You give me as much as I fucking need.

    I will agree that there are lgbtq+ individuals on the fediverse that are far away from reason, because the world has severely damaged them with what they’ve been put through. And there’s more of them here because the fediverse has several corners that caters to them.

    Remember, this is the group of people that has the highest suicide rate among any demo. Even among the ones that are alive, a lot of them are not gonna be ok. In response they can have overconsructed coping mechanisms, strenuous relationships with reality, etc. They can go off at the most innocent things because when the whole world feels like an enemy, its easy to assume that every person that gives you trouble, also wishes you dead. Even when they really, really don’t.

    Hence you can’t look at these people and interpret all your interactions with them in aggregate. A lot of them are angry, but not really at you specifically. They have very good reason to hate “normal” society, because by default normal society treats them in a way that makes a significant portion of them choose non-existence over bearing it. And then people like you walk in and mention a “middle ground” like this isn’t an immediate matter of life and death, that needs solving ten years ago. Yeah. You’re gonna get some shit thrown your way.

    Lgbtq+ people are being hurt all over the world. The ones that aren’t, almost certainly have been, and are still healing. But no-one who is thinking clearly is asking you to take their every word as absolute truth, or throw them a perpetual pity-party. If they are, they are almost certainly among the hurting.

    Obviously no-one can demand the whole world treat them with special coddling, but it’s also not at all weird to see people who have been treated unfairly their whole lives, have trouble with finding where the line of “fair” actually lies. Or need a bit of extra kindness because they are in a place where they’ll interpret disdain even when none is intended.

    When someone who can’t tell an actual enemy apart from someone who is just trying to change their mind on something they are wrong about, it’s better to just make sure they know you aren’t malicious. For someone like that, it’s more important to show them not everyone who disagrees with them about something, also wants them dead. In fact it kind of has to happen in that order. For your point to get through, they first have to trust people enough not to close up and stop listening the second they sense trouble. One way people become like that is when words have been used to hurt them, a lot, and often.

    And honestly, reading your wording, you don’t exactly seem innocent on that front. To me, you read either intentionally unkind, or carelessly dismissive.

  • I have no clue what you mean by “moe culture”. And please look up what “exclusively” means. Your use of the word here is a bit too far beyond hyperbole.

    The word “moe” refers to the attachment people feel for fictional characters, and as different people like different characters, it can be felt towards nearly any type of character. Japanese vtuber Oozaru Subaru used the word to describe how she feels about BT, a 40-ton three-story battle-robot from Titanfall 2.

    In the case of the moe communities I run, that means neat character art. Various niches of such, depending on the community and explicitly the kind that doesn’t go all the way to porn. Short of that, it includes the full range from completely platonic to full on implications.

    What you think is gross could not interest me any less. The idea that arousal is off-limits in art is a view held by the narrow-minded, prudish and boring. It’s as valid a feeling for an artist to set out to evoke, as any other.

    Again, I list every community I run in the sidebars of them all, and the last time I set up three new ones was two months ago, but I’m so sorry I didn’t DM the updated list to you for you to block.

  • That’s too bad, because I’m almost solely responsible for that particular genre of post on the threadiverse, and I don’t plan on stopping.

    A “passionate loathing” of a concept sounds like a 100% “you” problem.

    Also, I list literally every moe community I run in each of the sidebars of every community. It’d take you less than a minute to find and block them all.

    And if you’re using “moe” to refer to anime in general, you know v19 introduced instance blocking, right?

    Edit: I don’t understand why anyone would bother downvoting me or any of my posts? Do you people think anime-fans will just go away or stop being anime-fans if you disapprove hard enough?

    Just to prove the point, I commit to making ten more posts for every downvote I get. I’m up to over 600, configured and ready to go. If you don’t want to see them, just block me already.