• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Can we stop linking all issues together?

    Everybody’s saying that we need to break down big tasks into small tasks to get stuff done and then do this. How is anything going to happen if its all or nothing? Maybe just push for pride here and push for other stuff elsewhere.

    Sometimes you need to work with different people for different issues, who oppose your other issues. This is just making more opposition with no actual goal.

    Like what is the message of “No Pride in Genocide?” Getting concessions from Israel? LMAO NO. There’s just not gonna be any pride.

    Stop linking everything, get some concrete goals to push for and go step by step.

  • Heyo, not OP, but have been doing the same for almost a year now.

    I mealprep for four days, due to the size of my pot and bowls.



    (4 portions)

    • 400g Tofu
    • (High-protein) soy-milk
    • Salt, Pepper, Paprika-Powder, Curry-Powder, Chili-Flakes, Herbs
    • 8 Slices of whole-grain bread
    • Margarine
    • Mustard


    Crumbled Tofu. I just crumble 400g of tofu in a bowl, add salt, pepper, curry-powder, paprika-powder, chili flakes, and some pre-chopped and dried herbs. I add about 4 shots of soy-milk, mix everything and put it in a glass with the lid on. (I eyeball the amount of spices. Maybe start making one portion (100g Tofu for me) and see how you like the spices. As starting point paprika- and curry-powder are the same amount, as are chili-flakes and herbs.) The original recipe used only cumin, salt and pepper, so just play around till you find something that tastes good.

    Heating it up

    Relatively simple: Just put margarine and mustard on 2 slices of bread. Put a quarter of the prepared Tofu in a pan. I add another shot of soy-milk to make it stickier. Fry the Tofu and spread it on the Bread.



    (for 4 portions)

    • 2 onions
    • 600g of brown rice
    • about 180g of vegan ground-meat (depends on package size)
    • Chili-flakes, Pepper, Herbs
    • enough bullion-powder for 3-4 liters, or to taste
    • some (sesame-)oil
    • (20g of creatine)


    Chop the onions, add a bit of oil to a large pot, add the onions, vegan ground-meat, pepper, herbs and chili-flakes. Fry it until the onions are glassy. Add the rice, about 1.8 Liters of water, bullion-powder and creatine. Let it cook with a lid until all the water is soaked into the rice. Be careful at the end to not burn the rice. Divide the mushy rice into 4 containers and put them in the fridge. There should be a bit of space left in the container for the rice to rise, otherwise the water will squeeze out and turn the rice on the bottom to mush.

    Heating it up

    If your first meal is after preparation, just eat it, while its warm. Otherwise get a large pan, put some oil in it and fry the rice until its hot. I usually fill the container with warm water to also heat it up. That way I don’t have to clean an extra plate. (My containers are made from glass, but can withstand a big heat-difference, do not do, if not sure.)


    Yea, idk. I should probably eat lunch, but it’s extra work. If anyone knows something easy, preferably with lentils, beans or peas, let me know.


    At some point I calculated the macros I need and it roughly fits. You should probably do the same. Also I take a multi-vitamin/mineral since I don’t have the nerve to prepare veggies.

  • At the end of the day I’m selling labor and if they’re an asshole I’m not selling. They don’t control me or my life.

    There is an argument for “unskilled” labor, tho. If you don’t have enough leverage, to get a good job, making the one you have better with democracy might work. You just also take on more risk by sharing ownership.

  • I don’t think salary caps are necessary. Just having steeper tax brackets will eventually lead to a soft cap, while not feeling like a punishment. Maybe even a simple function instead of brackets, its more dynamic and easier to calculate.

    Wealth tax is kinda weird, since first someone needs to estimate the wealth, which is not easy. Then the amount to be paid probably needs to be cash, since 20% of e.g. a house is pretty useless. But actually liquefying enough wealth can have wild effects. For example Tesla stock plummeted for a while due to elon needing twitter-money.

    In a sense it could prevent companies from growing. If I own a company imma make sure it stays below the threshold, since I don’t want to sell my shares and loose voting-rights.

    Or if you look at countries trying to seize Russian oligarchs’ property: A lot failed, due to no one knowing who actually was the owner.

  • Did some research (read the wiki).

    Seems like working at a co-op sacrifices wage stability and maybe wage amount in favor of job-security.

    It solves some issues, but gives way to new ones.

    While the jobs seem to be more secure, they also grow slower, so hire less.

    This suggests to me, that the workload can also vary with the wage.

    Overall I wouldn’t like it. I like planning my stuff. If once in a blue moon I get layed off, I can make new plans. But adjusting ervery month sounds exhausting.

  • Nah, fuck that.

    I don’t want my salary dependent on how we are doing on a monthly basis.

    If I create my own company, sure. But I can kinda control it.

    If there are a thousand other people voting for dumb stuff and I loose a third of my income, I’m gonna loose it.

    Also if we are doing equal splits, college is actually useless. Why would I waste my time becoming an engineer, if I could have earned the same money the whole time instead. Even worse with american college, where you not just loose all the salary from not working but also like 10-20,000 in tuition.

  • Yea, this is a funny thing to think about.

    You can jerk off to photos of people, you can imagine some wild things involving other people etc.

    If you just create some deepfake porn to masturbate by yourself to, I don’t see a big problem with that.

    The only issue I can find is, that due to neglect someone else sees it, or even hears about it.

    The problem starts with sharing. Like it would be sexual harassment to tell people who you are masturbating to, especially sharing with the “actors” of your fantasies.

    There is however another way this could go:

    Everyone can now share nudes with way less risk.

    If anyone leaks them, just go: “That’s a deepfake. This is obviously a targeted attack by the heathens of the internet, who are jealous of my pure and upstanding nature. For me only married missionary with lights out.”