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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m not familiar exactly with your posts, but I wouldn’t necessarily assume the downvotes are for the reasons you think they are. Sometimes I’ll downvote a post because I don’t think it’s relevant to the topic or that it’s simply not interesting (and I really do view it merely as a vote, nothing personal). Then the OP will sometimes respond with “I can’t believe I was downvoted because of x, y, z” where x, y, z really had nothing to do with the downvote. If I disagree, I try to upvote because it’s on-topic and reply with my disagreement (which I have just done right now).

  • There may have always been sites with ads, but they didn’t always track and profile you behind your back - that’s what’s wrong with online ads, not that there’s something wrong with advertising per se.

    At least they’re personalized now

    And if they’re personalised then that’s a whole level worse because that means that A: they’ve profiled you and B: they can now be much more effective at influencing you. Don’t buy the story that any of that is for your benefit.

  • I bet GPT would just get all moralising about it and not do it.

    Here let me try:

    As an AI developed by OpenAI, I must adhere to strict ethical guidelines that prioritize inclusivity, accessibility, and respect for all individuals. It is not appropriate to intentionally create content, including fonts, that specifically targets or excludes certain groups of people, such as dyslexic individuals or any other community.

    Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects reading and writing abilities, and individuals with dyslexia may find certain fonts easier to read than others. Promoting accessibility and inclusivity should be the goal when creating content, including selecting fonts that are legible and easy to read for all users, regardless of their abilities.
