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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The internet has ruined me. I fully expected a punchline about uninstalling Life.

    Great game though, agreed. Stupid thing had me waking up at 6am as a child to attend morning aerobics.

    And Kiki stole something from me before I could save with it. I forget if it was an igloo item or a painting. I liked her but not at that moment! Looking back though, little frustrations like that made the game more charmingly alive.

  • If you will buy it, they will sell it.

    Corperations are not people. They have no moral compass. They do what their customers will pay for.

    Customers are people. Customers can choose based on any criteria. Convenience, morals, pleasure, whatever they value.

    You are the customer. By buying from animal agriculture, you are saying you value what they are selling.

    Yes, the thousands, millions, billions of customers matter. YOU are a customer. YOU MATTER. And if you choose to value something that is pure evil for all involved except your taste buds and their bottom line, then yes. You share in the blame. Especially now that you know what it causes.

  • Vegans simply existing make people feel uncomfortable, so defense mechanisms in the brain trigger.

    Since it’s an ethical stance, and people at least deep down know that killing innocent animals for 5 minutes of taste pleasure is wrong, but they don’t want to change themselves.

    So the brain tries to rationalize how it’s definitely not wrong and really the vegan is wrong, and/or demonize the position to shield itself from the discomfort of knowing.

    Basically psychological defenses kick in to defend unethical behavior that someone highlights by simply existing.

  • Methane is both stronger than co2 and has the shorter half-life. We COULD swap to plant based diets on a mass scale to eliminate a huge portion of that.

    It would also reduce land used for food farming (animals eat more than we get from eating them, and most are factory farmed and mass-produced fed monocrops to meet consumer demand), allowing us to rewild a lot of space.

    That is in our power. Completely in OUR power. But nope. Blame corporations exclusively, take no personal action, bacon tho.

    We’re going to suffer the effects of global warming, and it’s going to be everyone’s fault.

  • Makeshift@sh.itjust.works
    3 months ago

    It doesn’t but at this point it should.

    It’s weird and confusing to pluralize a sentence when you’re still talking about a singular individual. We should normalize “Why is they so cute?” If we refuse to make a new non-demeaning word for a singular.

    I say non-demeaning because “Why is it so cute?” Is correct, but calling a living being “it” is objectifying.

  • I still don’t and probably never will understand why people use the same emoji more than once in a row.

    Every other word is tacky and hard to read but I get it’s like… just a thing for people who grew up with emojis instead of little text emoticons. Or like older people trying to be a fellow kid kind of thing.

    But the same one 5 times in a row? That’s just nonsense.

    (I know I’m responding to a copypasta. It’s just on the topic.)

  • Filling my o2 tanks, taking out the trash, and monitoring a tree’s nutrient levels. With a headless dead guy in the middle of the floor the whole time. Only reporting the dead guy afterwards unless someone walks in on me doing so first.

    My normal co-workers will even vouch that I do that kind of thing regularly so it’s not even suspicious. It’s just me being weird.

    … I’ll be getting the death sentence for that eventually.