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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • If someone kicked you in the balls, would it be ok for everyone you meet after that to punch you in the face?

    But that isn’t the situation. The situation is that you can choose to let someone kick you in the balls, or you can choose to let a whole gang mug you. There isn’t a third choice, no matter how much you want there to be. Third party candidates are a great ideal, but until we have a different voting system, it will continue being an ideal instead of reality.

  • I would think that in general it comes down to understanding what “ownership” is and that it has been taken from us, replaced with “licensing”

    Your mistake is thinking that the average person

    1. Knows that this is happening/has happened, since it’s rarely clearly or prominently stated,
    2. Understands what it means, since it doesn’t often affect them,
    3. And in the uncommon scenario where both 1 and 2 are met: actually cares at all.

    It’s wild, because it used to be that you bought a movie and it didn’t matter that the rights ran out you could still watch your fucking movie in your own home.

    I understand the concern and I’m sure it does happen, but I have literally never heard this complaint from a single person that I actually know. What movies/services has this actually happened to?

    No argument against anything you said related to copyright laws, just to be clear.

  • Why do “artists” think they’re holy and should be protected?

    Has anyone ever implied that it’s just artists? Automation putting people out of work has always been a major fear, and has been realized over and over again. It’s not “just artists,” it just so happens that art is the domino that is currently falling.