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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • You know, there’s so many people I have tried this with. They just won’t stop bringing it up even when it is completely unrelated to what we’re doing. One of them told me he feels smart because when that comes up I usually walk away to avoid the endless drama and he took that to mean that his position and opinions had so confounded me that leaving was my only way to respond.

    Stuff like “yeah I think religion should be enshrined in the Constitution and everyone should have to live by our rules” and “if women don’t want to have kids they should keep their legs closed”.

    Like, even if I thought engaging had any chance of working it’s just such braindead regurgitated Fox talking points that I wouldn’t engage anyway. Just waiting for these people to get everything they want and suffer for it.

  • It blows my mind that there are people who think mental recovery from things like this is a simple, easy process. Imagine all the horrors of war without any of the training and purpose of cause that allow you to cope just a bit and most still suffer from severe PTSD from that. She just got more trauma crammed into one week than many will see in their entire lives, with more to come and maybe more previously we don’t know about. Her life isn’t over, and it could eventually be fine. But it will be different.