
  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • Which is a real doozy when you think about the duplicity it is to no longer allow a convicted citizen the right to vote, which is so strongly held by some people on all sides, almost evenly I’d say.

    How it must feel, to be so cool to allow yourself the privilege of not participating, just like the criminals politics generates. 😎

    Football Jerseys from a bygone era on Saturdays isn’t the only indicator that someone never really grew beyond highschool.

  • Prior to my coming out to myself, I was SA’d by a woman after being drugged.

    The many, many mental struggles that followed brought me to the basic realization that everybody, well, maybe not lizardpeople, but the rest of us all bleed if somebody just shot us. Sure, I was drugged, so it helped with feeling weak at being assaulted, but even if I hadn’t been drugged, it wouldn’t have made it any more my fault. Im not saying like “if she had a gun you’d still…”

    Anyone can be convinced by a horrible person that they won’t be safe unless they do something they don’t want to do. Gender, Chromosomes, Sexuality have no effect on that. -Full stop-

  • One thing that has worked for over a year on ky backup laptop at least, is to use the only setting Microsoft seems to not be able to take away without being in trouble: Windows Update Setting: Don’t download over metered connections. Then, any network you connect to go into the networks settings and set as a metered network. The only thing that has made it through from updater was a tiny security update that it was able to download cause I was a bit forgetful once, pretty easy if u ask me