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  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Almost all countries need to reduce their population.

    On the contrary, actually, we need to increase our populations. Assuming that you mean an equal reduction in all demographics, the existence of productive, and hyper-productive people is mostly a game of statistics. A larger population means that more of such people will exist. Such individuals are necessary for pushing humanity forward. A nation with a larger population means a larger natural defence. A larger gloabal population decreases the chances of a mass-extinction event.

    it’s stressing the system.

    What specific stresses are you referring to? We have no lacking in resources, nor space. Economic activity is proportional to those acting within it.

  • For reference, the article does point out the following:

    The United States said it was discussing with relief agencies how “safe areas” could be set up for civilians in Gaza. “One of the things that we did discuss with [Israel] was the need to protect civilian lives in Gaza, the need to establish some safe areas, where civilians could relocate to be safe from Israel’s legitimate security operations,” said a senior U.S. State Department official in briefing reporters. “So we’ve been engaged with the International Committee for the Red Cross, the UN relief agencies to work through the details of what that might look like. It’s still work that’s coming together. The Israelis are committed to it,” the official said.

    The article also provides a map of the total evacuation area, which I assume was also provided to the Palestinians. Given that this evacuation area only applies to the north of the Gaza strip, I would assume that the evacuees could flee to the south. I’m not arguing that this is practical given the circumstances, but there technically are places to go.

    Please correct me if there is extra information that would suggest that evacuation to the south is also not an option. There’s a lot of information out there regarding this situation, and I am not at all fully educated on the matter.

  • If we prioritize discussion above all else, we’ll get more discussion, but the average quality will go down

    Not necessarily. One must look at the underlying reason(s) for why people aren’t contributing to discussions. If it is indeed that they have nothing of quality to input, and are then incentivized to do so, then, yes, that will cause a reduction in discussion quality. But what if, instead, users capable of producing high quality content aren’t contributing because they don’t feel that their opinion is welcome in the discussion – that they are afraid of being harassed, or ostracized? If these users begin to contribute more, then the quality would theoretically increase. Of course, it wouldn’t necessarily be that simple in practice, but I would assume that it would have a different effect than the former example.

    A lot of low quality discussion isn’t going to attract the type of users that made Reddit great

    I am hesitant to agree that Reddit was consistently producing only high quality content 😜 I would argue that the more likely explanation is that there was a flat increase in volume of content being posted, and the people sorting by new had statistically more good content to choose from. Unless, of course, this is what you are referring to.

    I think better moderation tools is more important than comment and post edit history

    I strongly agree. Not because I personally have any use for better moderation tools, but that appears to be a major, and most likely primary complaint that many people have when they come to Lemmy from other platforms like Reddit.

  • Sure, but then your comment chain doesn’t make sense, or if it’s a post them you lose all the comments.

    I would assume that if there was information that is being redacted, then it would happen very early on in the posts creation – presumably before any comments are even made.

    I disagree

    How come? If you can censor the edit history, then you can’t trust the edit history. Perhaps something that could help was if the edit that was redacted should be replaced with an entry that states something like “This edit was redacted.”. In my opinion, this is inferior to having a persistent edit history, but perhaps it’s a potentially functional compromise.

  • It’s not something I would care about or ever use.

    I think it’s better to look at this not from the perspective of one’s own personal gain, but the benefit that it provides to the site on the whole.

    It comes with significant unresolved problems already pointed out

    Would you mind stating the exact “unresolved problems” that you are referring to?

    it mostly just seems like you want it for reasons of idle curiosity or paranoia.

    I believe that the feature’s existence provides the passive benefit of increasing the average quality of posted content.

    Most importantly, if a lemmy dev already said no, and you aren’t willing to do the work, then it’s dead

    What’s bothersome about that is that the dev didn’t just say that they didn’t want to work on it, they closed it. I completely understand if the dev doesn’t want to work on it personally, but closing it gives one the feeling that future discussion on the topic is not wanted – not to mention that it also greatly reduces its visibility.

    opening a thread about it isn’t a helpful way of fixing that.

    No, but I wanted to have more discussion that what was had on GitHub. I figured that posting about it here would yield a much larger audience, and, perhaps, less biased opinions.

  • It adds nothing to the discussion.

    It wouldn’t technically add content (unless you count the peristant old versions as added content), it provides passive improvement to quality.

    Also, I’m hosting my own instance (for others as well) and the (unoptimized) storage use is already huge.

    What portion of that is text, and what portion of that is media?

    No need to pay for something I don’t really care about.

    Do note that, presumably, were this feature to be implemented, it would likely be able to be disabled on the side of the instance – meaning that your instance wouldn’t store any of the edits itself.

  • I actually don’t think it is required to trust people on a forum in the way you suggest.

    Why not try to improve it though?

    If I was in what I perceived to be a really high stakes discussion (read: flamewar) where I was worried about this, I would take my own measures to ensure I could “trust” the other parties. I would save my own copies locally. Reddit RES had a button you could add client side for just this kind of petty bullshit. If you really want the feature, implement it in your browser/device.

    I don’t really understand the argument hat you are trying to make. You are admitting that this concern is justified, and that there are scenarious where one could be expected to want to take such measures, but you don’t want a feature for this built in. Instead, you’d want a 3rd party plug-in…? I must ask: Why? Also, TIL about Reddit RES. Neat.

    If someone is going to such lengths as to edit their post so it looks like you are responding to something else to make you look bad, it is either: a) a boring joke, or b) they are really pathetic and sad trying to sabotage you. Either way, it’s not the end of the world. If it sticks in your craw, you can just go edit your comment to say “edit: the comment to which I am replied was substantially edited after I posted so what I said no longer applies”. You can either delete what you said, or correct it, or leave it as-is with a caveat.

    The point that I am trying to make isn’t that this is for my own benefit, it is that this sort of behaviour detracts from the quality, and usefulness of the information on this site on the whole. Information shouldn’t be purely ephemeral. The reliable exchange of information on forums is invaluable in the modern age. I couldn’t even hope to count the number of times that I have gone through old forum posts reading people’s opinions, and conversations when conducting research on a topic, or troubleshooting an issue.

  • I’m not saying Lemmy should be some kind of court room stenographer

    I don’t think that that would be a bad thing 😉

    This happens fairly often on Reddit, and it’s annoying trying to figure out what the responses were referring to unless they happened to quote it

    Yeah, I’ve had the same issue countless times. Although, it should be noted that a good chunk of those such examples that I have encountered were due to people deleting their comments, which would be out of the scope of this thread.

    We have precedent here with publicly auditable mod logs, so why not public edit history?

    This is actually a good point. I hadn’t thought of that.

  • You seem to be wanting a platform on which to conduct official, auditable conversations which are subject to accountability in the form of total mutual surveillance.

    Why would this be a bad thing? People should be responsible for what they say.

    there are always others who saw the original post who can corroborate the change

    No, not always, and, even if they do, there is no guarantee that they would speak up – don’t forget that the majority of Lemmings are lurkers.

    For the most part it is some kind of online urban legend tho

    It’s really not – I have seen plenty of examples of it. I don’t have any links at hand, but the most recent example that I can think of is when Reddit made its API changes, and, out of protest, some Redditors edited all of their comments to either destroy the usefulness of the thread, or mislead. Whether this protest was justified, or not is a separate issue, but the fact of the matter remains that it is an issue.

  • Wikipedia is aggressively compressed (since you can merge multiple article revisions together and build a decent dictionary to drop the size dramatically).

    The example that I provided is uncompressed. Here is a notable excerpt from Wikipedia:

    As of May 2015, the current version of the English Wikipedia article / template / redirect text was about 51 GB uncompressed in XML format.

    Since I am only talking about the article content, and not any of the extra structure, or linking data, then it should be straightforward to imagine that it is only ~20GB in size.

    Being able to go back and fix my comment or add to it, change hyperlinks, etc, is great. Knowing conversations might get derailed to fixate on why I changed something etc is not great.

    As was pointed out by, this may be self-limiting issue, since this sort of behavior would be quickly condemned by the court of public opinion.

    It’s not just about editing out passwords or hiding what is already out there in the federation. Public internet, no taksies-backsies is beyond the point.

    However, that seems to be the common counterargument in this comment section.

    It’s about facilitating good communication.

    Correct, but this is a subjective argument. I am of the opinion that it would improve communication by improving the quality of the post (removing things like “EDIT Grammar”, etc.), and improving one’s trustworthiness in the post’s content.

    I’d imagine the nitpicking and derailing will be more prevalent that any other use of the feature.

    This is conjecture.

    Why do you need to “verify” what a user changed?

    This was already outlined in my post. People can change their post’s content through an edit to mislead the reader.

    Chilling impact / chilling effect is just a technical term for things that inhibit or discourage behaviours.

    Oh, my mistake! Was this the idea that you were intending to convey?

    It can take only one or two negative interactions to shut a user up and revert them to lurking. Lemmy needs people talking.

    I would honestly argue that the lemmings, themselves, accomplish this already to a far greater degree 😉 – although that could be due to the influx of redditors, I’m not sure.