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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Let’s be honest, it doesn’t work for 30% of listed businesses either… Typing in more than 1 word automatically returns utter crap.

    If I type is SPAR, I get all supermarkets near me.

    If I type in SPAR supermarket because that is what it is listed under, I get this BS, random supermarkets 60+ km away. Even if it could only parse out supermarket because of how badly it parses, then it still could take supermarkets near me.

    When I type in just supermarket, I get the supermarkets near me. Any time I type more than one word, the search completely breaks…

  • I got in one private tracker and I like that system a lot. I seed my torrents for years because I don’t do a ton of very popular stuff, and I like some older shows. Like The Mentalist season packs on TG are at like a 30:1 for me because not many others seed them.

    However, the private tracker doesn’t use standard naming which sometimes fucks up searches and *arr, also, there are barely any seeders or leechers so a lot of media is hit or miss both downloading and uploading. Of the 50 or so things that I downloaded since I got on, 1 has a positive seed ratio, so thank mods for duration seed points…

  • Yeah office lens is pretty much unbeatable. Open source would be amazing, but I at one point had about 6 document scanners on my phone and none of them held a candle to lens…

    Microsoft is shit, but they have 2 apps that are not exploitative and are very great to use

    Authenticator and Lens. They don’t ask for any permissions that they don’t need. They don’t even require Microsoft account log in to work. They also have no ads, subscription, or premium prompts. Lens just requests files and camera. No location, no tracking, no cloud needed. It can simply be all local document scanning with great filtering,

    Authenticator can be used with only camera permissions and it also it able to to push auth with key pairs, a step above general TOTP (though I still use everything with Aegis outside of work).

    Not enshittified. Yet…

  • Yeah but in that case:

    US government and Canadian are terrorists (look at their list of war crimes against civilians, genocide of native Americans, kidnapping and “re-educating” native children for ethnic cleansing). The US independence war literally got kicked off by torturing civilian tax collectors by ripping their skin off after dragging them through the streets

    Israel is a terrorist state (genocide against a specific ethnic group definitely fits this definition even if they just did it for expansionism, that is a political goal and there are 36000 that Israel has killed directly on the low end, including over 224 civilian humanitarian aid workers and 179 civilian unwra workers)

    Hamas is a terrorist organization

    Dole is a terrorist organization (banana republics, Hawaii)

    Many police organizations nowadays are terrorists (constant violence against innocent civilians), especially in the US

    Belgium is a terrorist state (Congo anyone?)

    France is a terrorist state (they have a special police battalion hand picked for violence against civilians lol)

    Russian army is a terrorist org (talk about violence against civilians, they have wiped out so many villages and just killed and dumped the population)

    Hell, Britain is a terrorist org (Kenya atrocities like the chuka massacre, the Irish???, Iraq & Afganistan?? BBC themselves reported how the British government was covering up their forces killing and torture of civilians and children in the middle east)

    The point is that a news org can’t (or shouldn’t) just cherry pick who they want to label terrorists because that, no matter which way you slice it, will be political bias. Their own government has committed many, MANY acts of terror very recently.

  • It’s funny because everyone arguing for phones and tablets for kids is like “hurt durr but their education”

    You know what the vast vast vast majority of kids use the phones and tablets for? Fucking sure as hell that it isn’t education.

    Addicting microtransaction games, social media, and the lowest trash YouTube channels.

    Pretty much every teacher in existence will tell you that phones for young kids have been hell and the kids can’t focus at all and have much more trouble learning.

    And every single person with any awareness at all will know that social media has been an absolute plague to kids social and mental health.

    Sure give a phone to your kid when they are 14, 15, 16. But when they are in primary school it is not needed and they are at the most risk for every bad aspect of phones.

  • I get the thought, but your phone can also have a security breach at any moment, ESPECIALLY because normal user error is by far the weakest and most often exploited attack vector.

    Bitwarden’s vaults are also encrypted with the option for even stronger argon2id encryption. Bitwarden themselves can’t access them or reset them. It is open source and most importantly, audited. KeypassXC has only had one audit ever. (Though that passed and I would also definitely recommend keypassXC, it is great software security-wise)

    The database is stored, encrypted, once on their server and once to each device you sync to, so it is available locally.

    Even if they had a security breach, by design the assailant couldn’t access your database any more than they could access your keypass database.

    You can also self-host it which would bring it exactly to the level of keypassX variants as far as attack surface.

    Not to mention with bitwarden, you will also only need one key. That is the whole point of a password manager.

    “It is available locally and a lot better…” is simply untrue. They are both great options. Just whatever works best for the person. Bitwarden has a ton more QoL options and enterprise options, plus separate, shared password databases and such for families and companies. Again, just as secure.

  • They want to use a single account for everything and have the most people possible.

    That is it really. They don’t want to have to make 50 new accounts where every account has to deal with getting past the spam policies and filters only to find that their potential base is 1/10 of that on other platforms

    That’s why reddit became the de-facto forum for many things also. 1 interface, 1 account, people can trace your account across different “forums” and it was searchable (on search engines, not shit reddit search).