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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Exactly. USB is designed so that you can have multiple devices attached to one port. 7 slots on the PC is plenty.

    And in fact, they probably already have a hub. I can’t remember the last monitor that I bought that didn’t have a couple USB ports on it. Put that thing to use. Webcam, USB headset/mic, keyboard and mouse can all run perfectly well off a monitor hub as can most other accessories. Save the direct ports on the mobo for things that need the bandwidth like storage devices.

  • You mean the always-on GPS-enabled internet-connected microphone and camera which is also likely Bluetooth and NFC beaconing and contains all of my most personal data including my name, contacts, unencrypted chats facilitated by major cell phone carriers, photos, emails, and other personal files which are also likely synced with a cloud service operated by major multi-national corporations, and also stores biometric data such as facial recognition, fingerprints, time spent sleeping, and even heart rate and number of steps taken assuming you have “fitness” features enabled?

    With those last couple items, these massive companies that regularly share data with law enforcement are literally tracking your every step and nearly every beat of your heart.

    Well don’t worry about that, I’ve got Express VPN.

  • I don’t think anyone is denying them the right to call themselves American if they so choose, but as this whole conversation illustrates, the term is incredibly ambiguous. When the argument is that “American” could mean anyone from the Americas, that effectively covers the entire western hemisphere which is a bit nonsensical to me. The point they’re trying to make is exactly the problem. There are lots of Americas.

    Frankly, I don’t understand why this is so much of an issue. There’s no continental culture and solidarity connecting the northern tips of Canada to the southernmost parts of Chile. Nobody is trying to erase a deep historical culture of America being one group of people. Why are these people trying so hard to create a continental identity that doesn’t culturally exist? I honestly think the point is to take the term “American” away from US Americans just because.

    I’ve never heard of a person from Peru or Brazil or Guatemala deeply yearning to call themselves “American” meaning somewhere in North or South America, but refraining from doing so because they feel marginalized. Feeling marginalized isn’t why they don’t do it, they don’t do it because saying “I’m American” meaning continents is useless. You might as well say “I’m from somewhere on the west side of the Atlantic.” The term “American” becomes pointless if you mean it that broadly. Imagine someone from the other side of the Atlantic saying “I’m Eurasiafrican”. There’s no culture that connects all of those peoples, it would just be a pointless moniker.

  • While technically correct, I’ve never heard a Brazilian refer to themselves as “American” when they intended to mean South American. Linguistically, when you say “American” you’re talking about a citizen of the United States, not just any person from the western hemisphere. And if you’re talking about a specific continent (North America, Central America, South America) you’re going to be specific about it. A Brazilian would say “I’m South American” when referring to their continent.

  • From a legal standpoint, I sort of get it. One risk of the fediverse is that data is cached locally from federated servers. That could put server owners in legal jeopardy for hosting illegal content. However, if the server is actively moderated and owners respond responsibly to take down requests, they should be okay - in the US at least, and assuming current protections for service providers remain intact.

    I think a good option (if technically feasible) could be to have the choice to de-cache communities or servers that are questionable and make it so that data is transmitted live from the federated server when requested by a client. That would add load to both the local and federated servers though, especially if volume is high.