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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • A people and it’s government are two different things. And frequently the government does not give accurate representation of its people’s desires.

    But let’s say the USA, because I assume that’s what you are insinuating by westerners, is 100x more evil than all other countries combined. Does that mean the Russian government isn’t bad? Nope. Truth doesn’t change based on the moral character of another separate unrelated entity. Even if that entity is worse and even if that worse entity is the one saying the truth.

  • My most immature take on that whole thing is that I wish we could evacuate all the people and then nuke the everloving shit out of the land to make it uninhabitable for a few hundred years. Then let it be a weapons testing site for the world. Just take the whole fucking thing off the board.

    Like I said, immature take.

    I’ve been tangentially connected to that area for the better part of 20 years now. Nothing has changed for the better, Israel is worse than ever, Hamas is worse than ever. The assholes that dumped the jews there post ww2 did the whole world a disservice. That country should be Palestine, not Israel, but neither side behaves the way they should. So it’s damn near moot at this point.

  • Don’t listen to macho guys that say you can’t be a man if you do x/y/z. An emotionally mature and available man can enjoy anything he likes because he is secure in how he feels. When you are on the other side of things you’ll look at those macho types and see their machismo as bravado to cover what can only amount to insecurities. They are sad cases honestly and I feel pity for their situation.

    Go do something that would make you emotionally uncomfortable and let yourself feel every bit of that discomfort.

    Basically it takes practice and stopping yourself from stopping yourself. Putting yourself in situations to feel and then sitting with the feeling instead of running from it. Contemplate it, think about it, let it be part of you.

    And if you can, find a friend that’s emotional aware and available as a role model to emulate.

    For your kids, let them feel their feelings and do your best to not invalidate those feelings. Feelings are valid, it’s how we handle them that makes or breaks us. It’s fine to feel anger and sadness just as it’s fine to feel happiness and joy, but we don’t lash out in anger, and we don’t let our sadness wash us away.

    I had a big long thing typed out, but I erased a lot and I think this is the core of it.