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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • Keep in mind, no one actually knows how many people US police kill. If no outside agency, of some sort, is involved, they do not report it. These numbers are based on what were reported and, according to Patrick Lynch - Previous head of the largest police union in the US, “most” police killings never make it to the public. So it is likely that the number is, at least, a little more than twice that. The 1994 crime bill stipulated an obligation for all police killings to be reported, in full, to the federal government. The DOJ has never enforced this rule, and has no plans to ever do so. They think it would be too destructive to police if they had to do this.


    The quote from Patrick Lynch was from an industry rag and I can not find any longer. The link I had is now dead. The magazine is called American Police Beat, and you can find it in just about all PD offices, and correctional facilities. Seems they scoured that article. Whether it was done because it was old, and not archived, or because of the bad optics, is not known.

  • When I was young I knew a bunch of people who went into this program. It is under funded, relies on methodology that is known to not work, nothing changes about this because of the outside interests that influence it. Many of the people in it are people who were pushed there due to behavioral problems. These people need psych therapy, not a bare-bones vocational camp.

    None of the people I know who went in, or any of the people they knew in it, left and found work faster without them.

  • People can call it whatever they like as long as everyone involved is cool with it. Refer to it as a penis, fine by me. I am just saying that this is a very, very, casual conversation and use of the word. Those actively concerning themselves with others using a word in a non-technical manner are just mildly annoying pedants. Pedants who likely use a word in a lay person’s manner, that is technically incorrect according to a professional or academic lexicon, probably without even realizing it.

  • If I slap a woman that way I would be hitting a variety of parts of her body. When you say vagina everyone knows what you mean, it is already part of the common lexicon to use the word in this manner, most people are simply annoyed by this type of pedancy. So, unless I need to give a small biology lesson when doing something slightly kinky to, or about, a sex organ, I am just gonna say vagina, or some other euphemism. Box, vag, pussy, etc.