Inui [comrade/them]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • I think you are a deeply unserious person who idolizes poverty by saying vegans making the choice are bad and people forced into are good. I also think, based on this conversation, that you hold no strong convictions that can’t be shaken out of you with a little bit of hardship and can’t contextualize any amount of self-sacrifice because of your obsession with veganism being a privileged position. I already told you that people who have no other option are not a target of criticism, but people like you who who use others as a scapegoat certainly are. I’m blocking you now though because this is going nowhere.

  • You literally asked me the question and are now chastising me for my answer. This is the “how do you know someone is vegan” joke. I pointed out self-preservation to point out that vegans don’t go around attacking poor people and don’t expect people to keep their principles in those situations. I made a choice I don’t expect other people to make. I point my criticisms at the people I know in real life who shop at the exact same stores I do and make similar amounts of money, but still use poor people as an excuse not to change their own behavior.

  • Am I privileged if I can afford to eat Beyond Burgers every night but I eat rice and beans instead? What if I can’t afford those things, still eat rice and beans, but I tell people I’m vegan to avoid awkward social interactions? You’re making up a caricature of vegans in your head, comparing them to poor people who happen to not be able to afford meat, and then saying the latter is somehow a better person.

    The option you presented is a poor non-vegan person vs. a wealthier vegan person. There are people in between these two things.

  • I’m not saying you’re incorrect. But I want to point out that many people who concern troll about how difficult vegan diets are to be healthy on are also people who don’t question how unhealthy their current choices are when it comes to consuming soda, energy drinks, red meat, other snacks, etc. Some people do, but most people who ask me about nutrition are not people who count their own calories or try to balance all their meals. It’s just as easy to be unhealthy as a non-vegan.

  • Look at almost any thread with similar comments it’s mostly people saying how much they love meat vs. anyone saying anything about them being vegan. Vegans politely mention their diet in real life more than other people because it limits the places you can go out to eat, and they don’t want to make things awkward. They don’t want to show up to your house and refuse to eat the steak you cooked since they didn’t mention it beforehand or reject the leather boots you bought them for their birthday. It’s better to be upfront about it and people take offensive to this.