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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Sure, I completely that it has declined significantly. I think the comments in this thread about it “sucking cock”, being “just ads and SEO crap”, or a “bloated, shit site” are hyperbole though. It is still the best search engine for most use-cases and queries, including finding answers to “how do I do X” type questions. I use DuckDuckGo (AKA Bing) but only because it gets close enough to Google’s results to be a superior choice for me overall when I take into account its massive privacy advantages. In terms of results, there is still enough of a gap that I will occasionally need to rely on Google’s results for particular queries. I actually used to use StartPage for this exact reason and only switched because it had issues with VPNs.

  • This was always dickhead behaviour, but not for the reasons you guys are circlejerking about. Often the answers to these questions are extremely easy to find online (even today, Google is nowhere near as useless as people make it out to be). But the entire point of asking other people through social media or a forum is because you want to engage in discussion with other humans. That’s literally the entire point of these websites: to foster discussion, both for the sake of learning and for the social entertainment we all need. People who sign up to them and then completely shutdown attempts to start discussions are absolutely braindead and don’t understand any of this. Modern forms of social media only encourage this kind of performative social interaction. So many people seem to think the sole purpose of discussion-based social media is to dunk on others with a vicious reply and “win” by earning more points (ratio) instead of having an actual back and forth discussion with another human.

  • You sort of asked two different questions there. Generally I don’t torrent music these days, though I have done in the past (Audio-4U, for example). I do use P2P methods like Soulseek for some stuff but predominately I rely on direct downloads through DoujinStyle.

    In terms of why I pirate, it’s because I can’t afford to buy all my music and streaming services offer inferior quality, catalogue size and revenue to the artists. I’d rather manually curate my own offline collection and put the money I would spend on a streaming subscription directly towards an artist whose work I particularly liked whenever I can afford to do so.

  • Everyone has a different social perspective. Misunderstandings are very common in human discourse and they are often repeated. When this happens it is not solely because the speaker is autistic; there are many things that can contribute to our struggle to communicate with one another.

  • Not in Australia. Relevant section of the Copyright Act 1968 as it would have existed back then, for those interested:

    Click to view


    • SECT 111 Filming or recording broadcasts for private and domestic use

    (1) The copyright in a television broadcast in so far as it consists of visual images is not infringed by the making of a cinematograph film of the broadcast, or a copy of such a film, for the private and domestic use of the person by whom it is made.

    (2) The copyright in a sound broadcast, or in a television broadcast in so far as it consists of sounds, is not infringed by the making of a sound recording of the broadcast, or a copy of such a sound recording, for the private and domestic use of the person by whom it is made.

    (3) For the purposes of this section, a cinematograph film or a copy of such a film, or a sound recording or a copy of such a sound recording, shall be deemed to be made otherwise than for the private and domestic use of the person by whom it is made if it is made for the purpose of:

    (a) selling a copy of the film or sound recording, letting it for hire, or by way of trade offering or exposing it for sale or hire; (b) distributing a copy of the film or sound recording, whether for the purpose of trade or otherwise; © by way of trade exhibiting a copy of the film or sound recording in public; (d) broadcasting the film or recording; or (e) causing the film or recording to be seen or heard in public.

    The same laws still apply today, just reworded. By the way, this practice of recording live TV is known as time shifting.

  • Wonder if ads actually makes up for the difference or if it’s just under priced to push people towards it.

    The ads are almost certainly making up the difference and then some, otherwise I don’t see why Netflix would pursue that strategy at all. The only other theory I can think of is that people are less likely to initially cancel an $8 monthly subscription than a $19 subscription, and are therefore more likely to forget to cancel it in the future.

    Like the rest of the tech industry, Netflix is way past the point of making a loss just to drive growth and is now obsessed with driving maximum profits because their shareholders are demanding (or are owed) returns on the big investments they made in a different financial climate years ago. That’s why Netflix is introducing ads, pushing up prices and cracking down on shared subscriptions (and now even a one-off payment to “add” an account member from outside of your household) and cancelling projects with real artistic merit at short notice when they don’t show immediate signs of becoming the next massive hit. It’s all about making as much money as possible now. We are no longer in the age of focusing on providing a reasonably priced and objectively good service and that will drive people back to piracy, just as it has done previously.