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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • YouTube doesn’t have a say in this, it’s up to the copyright holder of each individual song. YouTube just detects if a song is copyrighted or not then gives the owner the option what to do. The three common ones are

    • Disable the Video.
    • Claim Monetization of it.
    • Do nothing.

    So whoever holds the rights to Phil Collins song is the one responsible for your video being disabled. While whoever holds the rights to the song Joe Schmo decided to go with option 2 or 3.

    This process has mostly been automated. So it feels like YouTube is doing it but they are just following the orders of the copyright holder.

    The system is a bit overzealous in some cases and even fair use gets flagged.That’s on YouTube. But to be fair, it’s very hard to have an automated system detect the difference between fair use and not. YouTube should just implement a better way to dispute false copyright claims.

  • I am not really sure what you mean with their settlement. If you just mean the existence of Israel, then yes it’s fine to support that. If you are talking about their actual settlement policies, then no. I don’t think supporting a system of displacing people you deem “inferior” or “unwanted” to make room for “superior” people should be supported.

    How to feel about the military response to the attacks is purely a personal choice. A fight against terrorists is never clean. And whether or not the amount of “collateral damages” is acceptable is up to you. I personally think that the attack by Hamas were extreme enough to warrent the response by the IDF. I don’t think you can expect someone to just turn the other cheek in this scenario. But I totally understand people who say any amount of civilian casualties is too much.

  • Hillock@kbin.socialtoWorld News@lemmy.worldA good sources on China
    10 months ago

    I can talk a bit about the censorship. Censorship can be found in every type of media and has reached extreme levels under Xi.

    First, all IPS in China have to block access to a lot of websites that are hosted outside of China. This includes sites like Google, Wikipedia, Netflix, CNN, and GitHub. Basically anything that is even slightly popular and can be used to share information or media. I am not sure if Lemmy is already on that list but if not it will be soon.

    You can circumvent this by using VPNs but that’s illegal. People usually get away with it unless they actively go against the interests of the Chinese government. So consuming western media generally is fine but getting politically active isn’t.

    Then there is a more active form of Censorship. There are a few government agencies whose purpose it is to go through all kinds of media and ban/delete anything that doesn’t align with the interests of the Chinese government. This is done automatically with stuff like image recognition software, algorithm analyzing texts, and today probably with some kind of “AI”. But also done manually by people reading through stuff. All media companies operating in China have to be compliant with this.

    So if you use something like WeChat to share to information that’s critical of the Chinese government, it simply will get deleted as soon as it’s detected. The person who sent it could get into trouble depending on what exactly they tried to share. Anything that’s detected by the automated system the other person won’t even receive.

    Movies, books, TV shows, and other forms of entertainment have to be approved before being released. This is kinda like the age rating agencies in western countries. Just way stricter and mandatory for every kind of publication or media.

    An example on how ridiculous the censorship system is: A few years ago the General Manager of the Houston Rockets tweeted “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.”

    This led to China disabling all NBA broadcasts for the rest of the year. The Rockets lost a lot of sponsorship money because of it. China said it will only return the broadcast if he gets fired. They returned earlier though. But a lot of popular people in the NBA spoke out against Morey for tweet, including LeBron James.

  • No I am not assuming it literally says so. They banned the Abaya starting this year. The headscarf ban and stricter enforcing of religious symbols was back in 2004.

    The French education minister has said that nearly 300 pupils arrived at school on Monday wearing the abaya, the long Muslim robe which was banned in schools last week.

    Yes, it is very hard to differentiate between cultural and religious clothings in the Arabic world. And that’s why banning the hardscarf while controversial is still supported by most. But things are starting to get ridiculous and is closer to “banning what is different”.

  • Where in the article is it mentioning that they covered their head? Do you mean the picture? They aren’t even showacsing an abaya in the picture. Some of the girls are wearing sweaters and long sleeved shirts. And the head is covered by a headscarf. Yes, it will be very difficult to find any depiction of people wearing an abaya without a headscarf because it’s mostly worn by muslims and they will cover their head with an additional headscarf. Just as it will be very rare to find any clothing displayed by muslim women without them covering their head.

    At the end of August, the education minister announced that pupils would be banned from wearing the loose-fitting full-length robes

    That is how they defined the abaya. A loose-fitting full-length robe. There is no mentioning of covering the head. The abaya is no more a religious clothing than any “church clothes” are. It’s like black ties that are worn at funerals, like white button down shirts worn by certain missionaries. These items see use outside of their religious areas and so to abayas. They are worn to many occasions and not explictly religious.

  • Overall the legal system isn’t nearly as expensive as people think it is. Most cases can be dealt with for a few hundred dollars or less. Especially small court claims sometimes even prohibits the use of lawyers, so the only cost ist your time + getting a few documents.

    But as the complexity of the case increases so does the price. And that’s because you pay for a lot of time of people with specialized knowledge. But that’s true for every profession.

    These cases are what people usually talk about. These are the cases that get media attention. No one talks about the small court claims between Bob and John that took 30 minutes.

  • Why not just leave a small amount of money so they can buy it themselves? It would solve all issues. From allergies, spoiling, and attracting insects or stray dogs.

    Because you run into the issue that most healthy things that don’t spoil are rather hard. And many homeless people have issues with their teeth and can’t eat that. So you either leave something less healthy, like sealed soft bread or you ignore food safety rules.

    Which isn’t as big of a deal in Asia. Even affluent people ignore it. Foods to look out for would be anything with a lot of soy sauce or vinegar. They tend to last a bit longer. And while it sounds stereotypical, anything with rice will be appreciated.

    Leaving fruits could also work.

  • Republicans know their voter base is slowly dying out. Younger generations tend to vote more and more Democratic. To counter this decline in voter base the Republicans have to increase the number of younger generations that would become Republican voters.

    A lot of women who opt for an abortion do so because they aren’t ready for a baby. If they suddenly are forced to give birth, they are very likely to be stuck in the lower middle class. Their children are unlikely to go to college. And then the Republicans blame immigrants and other minorities for their struggles. Luring them to vote Republican.

    After abortion ban we will see restrictions on birth control, to further increase the number of children born. Next will be restrictions on divorces, forcing families into the lifestyle Republicans want or further increasing the amount of lower middle class people. Who, due to having a child, can’t start fighting the system and instead are glad to hold a job. So it’s a win-win situation for Republicans.

    Also, everyone knows the no-abortion rule doesn’t apply to them and only to “others” because their abortion had “reasons” that are “different” from others.

    And of course there is the big fear of “white people are being bred out”. The fear of white people becoming a minority is very ingrained in Republicans. But the current economic system also relies on a constant increasing population. With birthrates decling the system starts to fail. So the only options are, increase birth rates, allow more immigrants, or change the economic system. Only one option aligns with Republicans.

  • This really depends on your exact location. In most of the “western” world, it would be legal. But just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it will go unpunished. You could still be arrested and then have some charges thrown at you trying to make one stick. Disturbing the peace would probably be one of the charges that could stick. And of course other things such as resisting arrest. Whether or not it goes that far would depend on why, where, and how you were out in your underwear and if someone has it out for you or not.

    Businesses and even certain public places can obviously refuse you entry.