I’m a scalie game developer!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I do jot down the volume measurements that I use any time I bake (approximate, never exact, since I adjust little by little based on how sticky my cookie dough or how wet my pizza dough feels), and using that gives me consistent results already if consistent results are what I want.

    There’s not enough variation in the ways I scoop my flour or salt or baking powder or sugar that would net me results that are noticeably different to my previous batches.

    I just find this method more fun. Perhaps people prefer to skip the step of cooking by feel and adjusting their flour amount based on how wet their dough is, etc., and just prefer to follow exact steps to get to an end result; I myself find the challenge fulfilling.

  • You’re just putting words in my mouth at this point. I’m saying that being anal about precisely measuring my food sounds like a miserable time, nothing about scales or justifications for “how I do things” (which is how everybody here, where I am, does things).

    Secondly, the discussion from the beginning was about measuring ingredients for cooking, not for calorie tracking. It’s evident that your priority in this is for calorie tracking, which is an entirely different subject and I can see that having a scale to be able to do so would be beneficial, but that is none of my concern. My entire point is about measuring ingredients for cooking, which I just generally don’t care getting too precise about.

    So to answer your question “How do you measure chicken breast?” more clearly: I don’t. I have no need to measure chicken breast. I just eyeball it.

    And while I applaud you for trying to be health-conscious and count your calories, I simply just do not care about doing so for myself. You do you, but do not preach it to me, for I have no need for it.