Election observers have reported massive irregularities and violations, the my vote organization has called the election fraudulent
Election observers have reported massive irregularities and violations, the my vote organization has called the election fraudulent
No got a “foreign vote came in late and overwhelmingly voted yes” penalty
The referendum has also flipped, yes is in the lead
They called it too early. Yes is now in the lead
Yes is now in the lead, narrowly
Check again! The diaspora has flipped the results! Yes is in the lead, narrowly!
Is there an article about this?
A ton of the Hamas leadership have been assassinated since the war began, there’s always replacements though
Macron’s alliance and the left cooperated during the election to prevent the fascists from winning. That’s why the left got the most seats even though the fascists had the most votes
The left can’t form a government because they didn’t get a majority of votes. The thing is, macron also can’t do anything even if he appoints a prime minister. The opposition can block anything he tries to do. Macron is as screwed as the left is
What do you mean by this? Nothing macron has done is preventing elections
Russia invaded Ukraine because… because NATO! stupid nato always making Russia invade Ukraine
That’s the kind of military plan hitler would order after a bit too much meth, to get to Rostov Ukraine would need to go hundreds of miles behind enemy lines with no logistics
Ok Bulgaria why don’t you go have your 12th election in 4 years
They don’t meant leftist, it says center-left, and pretty much all leftists say that center-left isn’t leftist
If you count the website name as part of it then it’s 5
I think it depends on whether the inmates actually want to or not. If they think fighting in a defensive war to gain their freedom is a good deal more power to them
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the US announced it would lift the ban on American contractors going to Ukraine at the same time as this. Russia reaps what it sows. Ukraine gets highly payed and skilled contractors, in return, Russia gets malnourished and untrained Korean conscripts.
What the fuck, the left is actually the most united part of the political scene? What kind of world are we living in
Mom said it was my turn to post this