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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • The West is significantly richer than most other countries. The countries outside the west that are also wealthy have deep trade connections with the West. These connections may be so that China may consider them effectively 'the West’s - Japan, South Korea, Australia, Singapore etc.

    China tries to expand it’s trading partners outside the West with its belt and trade initiative. But that’s expensive and controversial. As it often involves corruption and abuse carried out by Chinese businesses. It doesn’t appear as bad as 1800s colonisers, but in light of today’s sensibilities China often comes out badly.

    It’s still wise to build connections with growing economies. Often because the population is large and is set to become larger. However, China’s aggressive posture has destroyed relations with one of it nearest and largest growing economy India. India’s relations with the West isn’t great, it currently goes between Russia and the West. I think mainly to ensure advanced weapon supply in the event of escalations with China.

  • The EU has members elect politicians - MEPs (Members of European Parliament). These politicians vote on issues similar to how most other parliaments would. Many issues are agreed upon this way.

    MEPs are grouped by political alignment not nationality.

    The EU council is the other legislative body in the EU. The EU parliament can send legislation that it doesn’t have the authority to pass itself here for consideration. This type of legislation is still supposed to be developed and debated in parliament. The EU council is a collections of ministers from each member state. These ministers represent their government, not the people (directly at least). This council can approve and amend legislation passed by the parliament. This is where the vetos can happen.

    The council is important to maintain the sovereignty of individual nations. Despite what Brexit campaigns say, the EU parliament is and isn’t going to be sovereign. The council enables each sovereign state to stop legislation they don’t want. This often means the EU passes very boring and very agreeable legislation. But it legislation that makes the rules within multiple nations consistent so commerce is easier and less bureaucratic. Once you comply with the EU rules, you’ve complied with all the countries within it.

  • The problems with police Scotland aren’t anywhere near the same scale. That article had to go back to 1998 to find a second suspicions death that Police Scotland may be responsible for.

    It also misleading presents data suggesting women are leaving at a higher rate. When the numbers in the article show that women are less likely to leave the police force than men. They also say that ethnic minorities are leaving at a higher rate than other groups. But it’s only 1% higher and the amount of people leaving is small and the amount of ethnic minorities are small. This is mostly likely noise in the data.

    Police Scotland don’t have a lot of ethnic minorities because Scotland doesn’t have a lot of ethnic minorities. Many of the ethnic minorities in Scotland are recent immigrant or their children. It takes time for them to take up positions in authorities like the police and army. Especially senior positions. For those you need to compare it to the ethnic make up of Scotland 30 years ago. The 1991 census found 99% of people in Scotland reported themselves as white. That’s when the executive level police officers would have been recruited.

    Police Scotland could do better to welcome and encourage woman and ethnic minorites in Scotland. They’ve had historic issues, especially with sectarianism and sexism. But they aren’t anywhere near the problems US cops have.

    The most recent police shooting in Scotland had the police shooting a dog. That’s what made national news because they aren’t shooting people. Only the equivalent of specialist squat team police get guns in Scotland (even then they leave them in the car most of the time). That officer would have been suspended because he fired his weapon pending investigation (even though the dog was a dangerous bred and was attacking people).

    Police Scotland also turned up at a protest against shipping asylum seekers off. They didn’t turn up to fight the crowd, they made the UK government officials release the asylum seekers.

    They also took very innovative approaches to tackling violence in Glasgow. Rather than increase enforcement they identified the issue was a social issue not a criminal one. They took a joined up approach, involving social workers, families and schools etc. They realised force wasn’t the answer. This was very innovative at the time. Violence in Glasgow is now very low.

    Police Scotland aren’t perfect. But they’re relatively good at policing fairly and effectively. If anything they should be used as an example for most police forces. Their is a lot of criticism for how they aren’t turning up to deal with minor crimes or have lots of officers on the beat. But they are very effective at tackling major crimes. The biggest problem is reduced resources (UK never recovered from austerity after 2008) and court backlogs (COVID and austerity).

  • They would have to set it up before leaving. Or have someone in the household change their router settings to enable it and share the details with them.

    If you ever look at local WiFi networks in most residential areas you will see 90%+ use the default router supplied by thier isp. Also using the default SSID and password printed on the router. Most wouldn’t even venture into the routers web page to change the settings. So the likelihood someone would configure this is low.

    If you don’t already, change your default WiFi SSID and password. It makes it easier to share with visitors, you can use the same ones when you switch routers (saves reconfiguring all devices). It also removes the possiblity of your ISP leaking the SSID and password to anyone. If it’s been printed, then it isn’t encrypted when stored. Many ISPs have lost lots of customers data in breaches, many of which they resit making public.

  • There isn’t a replacement in place for Putin that would be any different. Everyone that thinks and acts different is kept away from power in Russia. Pushed out of windows, deaths in prison or the aircraft falls out of the sky. There is a possibility that he is replaced by someone worse.

    It’s much better if he is removed from power by Russians. The next leader has to be different and havs the support of the people. Intelligence services taking him out won’t achieve this. Your likely to get an extremists that tries to escalate the war in Ukraine.