Artist, theatrical performer, roller derby announcer, and former derby skater in the Midwest.

Single, childless, and married to my my freedom and sense of adventure.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Biden withheld $600 of promised COVID aid when Georgia went to the Democrats.

    The messaging went from $2000 checks to “Finish the Job” and they pretended that they’d promised to just tack on $1400 dollars instead. They withheld our own money form us.

    But they found $100,000,000,000 to send to another country’s war.

    So, no. I don’t buy it.

  • I know it’s not popular to think this way, but guys, everyone in national politics is a corrupt piece of garbage. Both Democrats and Republicans have made it legal to loan their campaigns money at 20% interest. They’ve also made it legal to commit insider trading and make fortunes off of the classified info they receive due to their positions.

    Biden spends more time making sure his piece of shit son stays out of jail than he does making sure there’s food on your table. Donald openly monetized his presidency by vacationing at his own businesses and forcing everyone in his administration to do the same. He even used the Oval Office and Resolute Desk for ads on his twitter feed.

    They’re all assholes.

    All of them.

    All you can do is take the money you’d contribute to their campaigns and put it in your investments instead.

  • I don’t know that I agree.

    The ignorance of 98% of our voting population is why our government is unproductive for all but the 1%. It’s how you get Democrats who are effectively Republicans, why there always has to be a rotating Democratic villain in the Senate, and why all we’ve seen over the last 40 years is the slow, eventual impoverishment of the majority of American citizens. All most of them care about is team color, and if blue or red wins, they consider it a win for themselves, even if it has no material effect or a negative material effect on their lives.

  • PACT Act

    A good thing, but also a reminder that 100 billion sent for another country’s war is 100 billion that isn’t being spent to keep our veterans in good care. (Among other things)

    American Rescue Plan

    Biden himself made excuses for how lackluster this was, despite it’s super-cool name, and even more fun, his administration withheld $600 of the promised $2000 in aid that he’d assured voters they’d get before they delivered Georgia.

    Impressive job growth and low unemployment

    Sounds pretty awesome until you realize everyone’s working 2-3 jobs to survive. See my point above about housing scarcity. I think we’d all be way more impressed if he’d passed a living wage back when he had the majority.

    Bi-partisan Infrastructure

    Another bill Biden made excuses for, which is funny, because he had the majority when it was passed. As much as he, and his partisan ideologues want to let him cosplay as a cut-rate FDR, we deserve way better than a corporate shill.

    Helping defeat Russia

    This isn’t our war. We should not be sending a hundred billion of our dollars in order to fund it, especially when we have wildfires, hurricanes, failing power grids, and other crises being ignored here at home. (In addition to, what, wars in eight countries we’re already involved in.)


    While I agree he’s not a complete failure, that’s kind of like the 600 points a person gets just for signing their name correctly on an SAT testing form. It was a particular kick in the balls when Dems got Georgia and his messaging switched from “2000 checks” to “finish the job” and they sent $1400 instead, considering that was our money he was withholding from us in a time of crisis.

    And in a nation of 330,000,000 people, “better than Trump” isn’t good enough. That we gave Biden a Democratic majority and he did nothing meaningful with it is why we’ll likely have an outspoken and overt fascist elected as our president in a year.

  • It would be nice to have a strong challenger

    Under Biden, we’ve seen no meaningful action as the right to abortion was lost, housing scarcity has become a crisis for most Americans, another 100 billion unbudgeted was sent to another country’s war, and there was zero meaningful progression on education, health care, militarizing police, or stopping the resurgence of fascism.

    Voting for Biden is voting for team color and little else. The man is a shitty president more concerned with stringing together a coherent sentence and running cover for his son than doing anything for the people who got him elected. And the extent to which he is a shitty president is going to usher in an overt fascist when he tries to sell himself on his record in a year.