• 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • Agile tries to solve this differently.

    First and foremost, it puts you into tight-knit communication with your team and the customers, so just ask if anyone remembers why it is like that.

    If no one does, then Agile enables to basically fuck around and find out.

    Which is to say, change it to how you think it’s supposed to be and see if anything breaks / anyone complains. If that happens, Agile allows you to react quickly, i.e. to change it back and quickly release a fixed version.

    But yeah, as the others said, if your team feels like documents work better for them, then do Agile and documents. That’s why retrospectives are an integral part of Agile, because it’s not a perfect plan how to work together. You’ll know best what works in your context.

  • In my team, 2 out 15 people come to the office regularly, because they prefer the separation of work from free time.

    I can definitely see some benefits from being on-site. You do occasionally just run into people, who can tell you really useful things for your job. And it’s definitely harder to keep track of what my wider team is working on, since we’ve gone mostly remote.

    But those benefits just as well evaporate when “on-site” becomes two or more locations. I’m not going to run into someone who’s in a different office in a different city.
    If I have to actively work together with people from different locations, I will also be wearing headphones all day, not able to socialize with the people around me. That makes it rather pointless to go into the office.

    And yeah, just the flexibility of being at home is really useful. I can take a break from work to load my washing machine. I can sleep until 5 minutes before my first meeting. Or I can walk to the store in the morning, when it’s still cool outside.
    So yeah, personally, I certainly wouldn’t go back to a fully on-site job, unless it’s somehow the best job in the world in other ways.

  • Well, what I meant with that, is that it’s semantically important that it’s ng of the substance per kg bodyweight.

    If it was ng of the substance per kg of the substance, then in proper mathematical physics, the unit would disappear completely.

    So, for example:
    42000000000 ng of the substance / kg of the substance

    Is equivalent to:
    42000000000 * 0.000000001 * kg of the substance / kg of the substance

    Which means in the end, you just have: 42

    As my physics teacher would often say: Is that 42 potatoes or sausages or what is it?
    A number without a unit is just devoid of meaning…

  • Yeah, learning Rust has given me greater appreciation for C/C++. Like, the selling feature of all three is that they don’t use a runtime, which means you’re not locked into that ecosystem. You can create libraries with them, that can be used from virtually any other language.

    It’s also easy to say that the performance of Java, Python et al is fine, but having a larger application start up in 1 rather than 20 seconds is still always appreciated.

  • To be honest, I’m not the best to ask about Python. I need more rigid languages for my daily job, so it’s much quicker for me to just throw down a small project in one of those.

    I do know, though, that Python comes with Tkinter out of the box. People usually don’t praise that all too much, but it’s probably fine for small GUIs.

    However, it’s almost certainly worse than Powershell/.NET for creating Windows-only GUIs.

    If you’d like to write GUIs on the Linux side, then I would frankly recommend not doing that.
    No Linux sysadmin wants a GUI to deal with. If you give them a CLI, then they can automate that, i.e. integrate it into yet another (probably Bash) script.
    Not to mention that most Linux servers don’t even have a graphics stack installed…

  • People use Bash for quick and dirty scripts, because it’s pretty much just a few symbols in between all the commands that they know and use all the time anyways. You don’t really ‘learn’ Bash in a dedicated manner, you rather just pick up on tricks and tidbits over years.

    For more than that, you’d use Python, Ruby or a full-fledged programming language.
    Personally, I would even go so far that Powershell hardly added something new that wasn’t already covered by a programming language…

  • I believe, you’ve got some big misunderstanding in that. The wave is the variation in pressure. It doesn’t exert pressure beyond that. There is general air pressure, but that is always there, whether you’ve got a wave going or not.

    Maybe it helps you understand it logically to think of how a speaker membrane moves. It does this motion:


    So, when it bulges to the right, it pushes air molecules closer together, which locally increases pressure on the right and continues to travel to the right, because the molecules push each other.

    Then the membrane bulges to the left, which locally reduces pressure on the right and continues to travel to the right, because the molecules make room for each other, so the general air pressure causes air molecules to fill that room back in.

    Both of those travel at the same speed, so they reach your eardrum, which is just another membrane and therefore does the same motion that the speaker membrane did.

    So, a speaker is like a Newton’s Cradle, it doesn’t actually cause the molecules on the way to traverse across the room, like a fan would.