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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Don’t feel bad, this is the reaction most people will have in a medical emergency.

    As others have said, you need actionable knowledge and practice. Experienced emergency providers don’t have to think much to stabilise a patient, its all ingrained and practiced, almost like a reflex. A good team can deal with most emergencies efficiently without communication (not that they should).

    Of all the interventions you could do during an emergency, heres the most important ones, find a way to practice them:

    • Assess safety (this includes not touching blood with bare hands) and Call for help. Even experienced providers forget this, because noone practices this. Your first instinct should be this in any emergency. When you practice, you should always practice this step too even if you just audibly day “I check for safety and look for help”, ideally you practice yelling for help.

    • Quality chest compressions, minimise downtime. Mouth to mouth is great, but not as important and not mandatory for bystanders, although it becomes more important in drowning and in younger people.

    • Asphyxiation - back slaps (strong, not pats) and abdominal thrusts.

    • Applying pressure to a bleeding wound. With gloves or the sole of your shoe on dressing.

    • Stable side laying position - in any unconscious person without the need for any of the above. This is the one and only thing you do during epileptic seizures too. Do not shove things into unconscious peoples mouths…

    • Ideally you know how to free up an airway via chin lift.

    If you can practice these, you can actually save a life in an emergency.

  • Yes, the D data is incomplete and mostly done in sunny climates, the reference range for vitamin D in blood is also based in iirc Spain or that climate, so it might be that slightly defficient in colder climates is a-ok. Plus it is hard to separate bogus claims when it comes to D, since people want to implicate it in everything from immune compromise to why your nanas cookies don’t taste too good.

    That said, 5 minutes out in direct sun is probably a fair recommendation because most people will likely spend more than 5 minutes out if they have made it there. I think the recommendation is more about the climate / weather conditions rather than “take off your clothes for 5 mins in the winter”. If you have to go out more covered (i.e. long sleeves, pants) for the majority of a month, you will want to supplement. If you are unsure can always check serum levels.

    Personally I take more than 1k IU, but I will stick to official recommendations when giving advice.

  • Yes, most people who live in a western country and don’t take major shortcuts when it comes to their diet don’t need to supplement much. Taking vitamins can in fact lead to serious complications, given that there is no benefit for the vast majority, there is no reason to take on that risk for “prophylaxis”.

    Notable exceptions is Vitamin D - this is produced by your skin in the sun. 5 direct sunlight minutes in a T-shirt daily is enough, so supplementing 1k IU daily in months when you can not do that is advisable. So necessity will depend on climate.

  • The point is you offer someone who registered for mail in to simply sell you their ballot along with a signed envelope. I would vager doing this for a few votes would be fairly easy. Certainly plenty of poor voters would easily sell a vote. Idk about 10, but for 20-50 bucks? For sure. I would imagine someone selling a vote would be less likely to come forward in some respect too, so if you target the right people, at some minor scale you would even get away with it no problem.

    Yes this is obviously not happening, not at scale anyway, and certainly not enough to flip the election. But the idea that this is particularly hard in itself, let alone impossible, is absurd.

  • I fail to see why it would not work though? Instead of paying 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter you pay 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter and and their signed envelope?

    Like I am not saying this happened, because 10$ ballot sales would probably have made the news around the election, I doubt 10$ buys silence. But like I fail to see how this is impossible?

  • It is hard to say, I do not follow politics closely enough to have real guesses as to the reasoning. The MOD official stance for this specific question is referencing NATO Northatlantic treaty Article 3 and also that “the situation in Ukraine has demonstrated the need for strong defensive military”.

    Afaik the Baltics are seen as a strategic sore spot for NATO and in case of invasion it would be hard to defend, especially in a timely matter. Although that I think changes with our nordic friends joining NATO.

  • That is the goal of reinstating the sevice, yes, and many of my countrymen would see it as a worthy cause. Idea is that mandatory drafting will only happen if not enough volunteers apply but I also read that they intend every (male) citizen to have some participation in this before 27.

    I firmly reject this notion, however. There is no cause worthy enough to forego a persons individual freedoms.

    There are no official exemptions for freedom of thought or religion (although our constitution should in theory allow this). Dodging is a felony, being a felon is an exemption however.

    The whole ordeal is completely ludicrous too. The compensation is 300 euros (600 for volunteers(?!)) a month, the duration is 11 months. Obviously only men get drafted, women are for some reason exempt (MOD states this matter of factly that currently it is enough to draft only men).

    And after finishing this military service you are forever in military reserves, which has its own obligations such as mandatory periodic training.

    There is however some murky “alternative service”, which technically does not involve direct military service. There are no concrete details here but generally it is thought that this will entail working in some MOD office type deal.

    The reasons for the uncertainty is that the first draft was filled with volunteers.