Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.

Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.

Dislikes: Nazis, Apple

He / Him


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2023


  • It’s hard to unwrap the hate and bigotry from conservative ideology nowadays.

    This is the trouble I have with conservative thinking now. Even here in the UK, where our Conservatives aren’t as bad as the Republicans in the US (yet), I’m at a place where I can no longer offer the benefit of the doubt to rightwing policies, because now they only seem to exist to make life hard for marginalised people. I can’t point at a single member of our government who supports what they’re doing because it’s what they genuinely believe to be the right thing to do. They’re all interested in how it can enrich them, and they’ll worry about the morality later.

    I mean, say what you like about Margaret Thatcher (and believe me, I do), at least she seemed to actually believe in the policies she pushed through. She had an ideology, and was given room to try it out. And it worked. For her and her rich buddies.

    But these days it just seems to be hatred and fear for the sake of riling up the proles because it keeps them in power. The power is the goal, not the governance.