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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • It seems Lemmy doesn’t like it either.

    The internet should have always been taken with a grain of salt, but nowadays half of society lives on the web and have made it into the shitshow it is now.

    I was unemployed for a couple weeks and spent them on my phone wasting away time between interviews so to say, i lost touch of reality so quickly to the point where just being allowed to live your life had become alien to me. I currently work at a construction company and i’ve quickly realized you can still live your life even though people don’t agree because they have no control over you.

    The internet is a dangerous place

  • Just make sure you buy a reliable machine, for your own sake.

    I had 2 enders (5 pro and 5 plus) they have been nothing but trouble, getting print issues on the last part almost every time.

    It’s been a desperate road of constant upgrading hoping it would be reliable and it sitting around being useless for months on end because i end up being too busy.

  • I literally got an ad for (probably) some dating website, telling me to have some roadside anal with the girl pictured…this ad was on the youtube app, like what the actual fuck.

    I’ve seen more tame ads on sketchy porn sites.

    I got a government served ad on instagram of a photo with huge piles of viagra, telling me not to bring home those pills from vacation. I was at work trying to show a coworker some miniature a friend painted, needless to say i got a wtf face from my coworker and i reported the ad.

    Keep ads reasonable and the amount reasonable like it used to be and this issue would’ve never existed.

  • Tbh instagram is just a shithole because every post is someone flexing their influencer deal, trying to sell you some bullshit.

    The rest are just true ads hosted by facebook (as far as i’m aware, since you can’t advertise on instagram without a facebook account).

    I’m using an adblock on firefox and my internet on my pc is decent, it actually feels like i’m using the internet compared to it using me to shovel ads into my face.

  • Imo paying a monthly fee and not getting something in return you can still use if you fall on bad times in such uncertain times as today makes zero sense. Rent more than doubled in the past 3 years and my wage actually went down, there is zero oppertunity to build a better life and now every silly business wants me to increase my monthly expenses by another 5/20 bucks per service per month, compared to an era where we just bought shit for cheap from the discount bin when we didn’t make a lot of money.

    I’ll “ARRRR!” the whole way until they behave and life becomes affordable again.

    I stopped working out because i can’t afford the food needed to properly benefit from a workout. Whey used to be a cheap way to get protëine and it went up 350% in the past 2 years. Eggs, chicken, peanuts, vegetables all doubled in price. I’m left eating a roll of cheap cookies just to get some food in me half the time.

  • There is no value in spending money anymore, you used to get some long term benefits. You bought movies, music and games for example and got to use them however long you want to. Now you pay significantly more under the guise of: “it’s only x amount per month” and own nothing.

    For me, something like Spotify is far too expensive, considering i could buy an album from the discount bin for like €2 and play it for a full year until i got slightly bored (you still owned and got to use it after that). Spotify is €11 a month, times 12 compared to a single €2 permanent purchase. I usually only bought one or 2 albums per year.

    I’m not saying you need to agree with this, but for me it makes absolutely no sense to pay this much especially when i look at my wage not going up and the cost of living having doubled over the past few years.