Hi, I’m Cleo! (he/they) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Well Vanced was a lot different, they were actually redistributing code from YouTube. They were asking to be sued and they got off really easy.

    Whereas here, no code is being used afaik. They don’t even include the keys for the decryption for the console. So the only thing this can do is: decrypt game files once provided keys and then run an emulated graphics pipeline and logic process for said game.

    Now I can see an argument about how Yuzu is specifically built to emulate the Switch which is a current product. Which makes this sketchy. But also it’s an emulator. What’s better is that breaking the law is not required to use the emulator. You can get your own rom rips and keys and use them with the emulator which gives it a legal purpose as a 3rd party application.

    This is Nintendo just trying to scare them Id bet. Not a zero chance that Yuzu could lose though.

  • I dont know if you’ve noticed but a lot of these people can’t tell or understand trolling or faking content. Now on this level? Yeah. But it’s so so easy to be a poe in their midst.

    My strategy has basically just been to go to their content, go into the comments, and then write something that I feel they’ll mostly agree with but crosses some kind of line.

    Like if they’re talking about fluoride in drinking water you just say stuff like “screw the feds poisoning our water, we can find other ways to get hydrated. I just stick to diet cokes, works fine for me. I even cook with it so I don’t poison my food”

  • Both this comment and the reply to it are irrelevant. Bombs aren’t spread over average areas, bombs aren’t all the same power of explosive, nor can any math tell us much about the effect of the bombs.

    All of that can only be done by looking at satellite or overhead footage, assessing the average damage to buildings in that area, and then generalizing each square to write off a percentage of homes as unlivable.

    Like other comments have said, we have to be careful about this because I’d prefer the correct number and not the larger number.

  • I don’t think most people are stupid if stupid means lacking reasoning skills or knowledge or curiosity. You can find all sorts of people who you’d think sound stupid but know tons about one subject. But even if they don’t, they likely have a working knowledge base and only know what they need to know.

    What I consider stupid or problematic is that most people, probably 75% or more of the overall population, are not skeptical or analytical and have a fundamentally busted epistemology. Even if your information filter works, if you don’t understand why it works, I’m going to struggle in conversation with you. So yes I think the general population has a hard time thinking critically because they don’t know how to analyze their own beliefs or knowledge.