Hail Satan.


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I disagree, you can see so much on the old layout specifically because it’s a wall of text. The new layout is unnecessarily bloated and takes up your whole screen on every device you view it from, so you can barely see more than one or two posts at a time. It removes the ability for the user to freely scroll and look at things that interest them, and forces the user’s attention onto exactly what the algorithm wants them to. The new layout removes a ton of agency from the user.

  • Instacart is being miserly by not paying their workers a fair wage.

    Instacart is paying their workers fairly. It’s just that the driver is not an Instacart worker.

    They’re not employees, they’re contractors. And when you, the customer, place an order, they are now your worker as you’ve entered into a contract with this person. They aren’t working for Instacart or the store, they’re working for you. And you’re the one who pays for their time and labor, that all comes out of the service charges on your order.

    That’s how all these apps work. They don’t get paid anything by the app, they get paid by you through the app.