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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Its simple, you don’t even think about it while crossing.

    Planning a drive? Maybe reroute in case a train is stuck.

    Being pissed that a train is approaching and you missed the light? Sucks, shoulda left earlier.

    Though I suppose more restricted access to the tracks would be beneficial.

    I knew a person who chose a train as their method to exit this hellhole. Just walked right onto the tracks, and the engineer didn’t think anything of a person walking beside the tracks because it runs next to a main thoroughfare, a lot of traffic, even on foot. She just stepped on the tracks, no guardrail or anything to hop over even.

    For anyone offering well wishes or to seek therapy… I knew this person from work, we were never close, and both of us had exited that job for other reasons.

    Just a name and a picture in the newspaper alerted my BIL, who worked in the same building and had more of a working relationship with that person.

    He isn’t fine, but that has nothing to do with the person who commited suicide via train lol.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage redditor nowadays
    11 months ago

    I had some severe sleep issues and ended up abusing DPH, not for any recreational effects I just needed to sleep. 9 days without sleep is bad. Torture.

    I took 30 of those pink devils, just to sleep. I was that desparate.

    Still didn’t sleep, but I went out back for a smoke and there was a spider towering over the houses in the neighborhood. Didn’t think anything of it while on the meds, just went out front to smoke lol. Also I had some common visitors in the corners of my bed room, cloaked in shadows whispery chanting in a language I couldn’t understand, while the darkness and certain patterns began to warp around me. But at the time it wasn’t concerning. DPH is a deleriant, line jimson weed and some other plants - they differ from hallucinogens in some interesting ways. Erowid has always been a good source on various substances for those inclined to research.

    For those who may be concerned, I no longer take DPH much at all, last time was due to a new minor allergic reaction to something I haven’t been able to identify. Something was in that hookah tobacco my body didn’t like. Also, I’m sleeping better these days - in part due to having the right medical access, as well as rigorous sleep hygiene.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'd pick the person.
    11 months ago

    Yes, its 110+ F here during the day… the attic… well a few years ago we had a guy out to service…

    He FELL down the attic ladder due to heat stroke. Its one of those almost straight ladders that fold into the ceiling.

    He was thankfully ok, and after some AC and water, was right as rain… I should say, he was a young guy in good health, and not only that a friend of a family member. We wanted to take care of him, first and foremost. If we thought medical attention was needed (and my own ass has had heat stroke, I know it) we would have called emergency services. We didn’t want to stick him with an ambulance bill (no insurance, private contractor) if he didn’t need it.

    But fuck, 1k roaches? You know what, I’ll board the animals, use it as an excuse to get a nice hotel room with the wife, see if we can both take PTO for the week off and take an unprompted vacay, while the exterminator does their business.

    That being said, 10 years ago, when I was much much poorer, with much more tenuous job stability… I’d take a knife up for the human in the attic, take the body to a family friend with a pig farm. Pigs make the best witnesses. They eat all the evidence, and can’t speak.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlToday we learnt...
    11 months ago

    I’d rather re-fart my own fart, than have my dick dip into a public toilet again.

    One is slightly, uncomfortable, maybe? The other opens the mind to all the diseases that could potentially infect your dick in a public toilet. Unlikely? Sure. Possible? In some cases, with some diseases, yes - however slim.

  • The problem isn’t the customer’s expectations (within rational limits of course) the problem is all the levels of managent giving the customer satisfaction because they don’t understans, and always forget thr last part about taste.

    I know, that if I go to a Walmart and start a big enough fuss, Walmart will give as little as they can (to often monetarily desperate) to get them to stop causing a scene.

    I worked in electronics, and per protocol had to inspect a returned PS2. It was physically beat up, had paint splotches on it, and it would not power on, and thr serial number was missing.

    I said no. Simple as that. Not paid enough to fight customers. They wanted a manager. Two hours later they walked out with fucking cash.

  • I can understand not wanting to pay a kid for lawn work, I’ve been broke before. Just say no thank you and go on with life.

    That being said, we hire kids in our neighborhood all the time.

    We have two girls (9 and 6, I think, never met them, grandma drives and “supervises”) who come pick up dog poop, and we’ve had a kid for a couple years who turned mowing yards in the summer into an LLC and he just hired his first employee to help out with client growth.

    I know if he wasn’t a white blonde kid who looks halway decent (long hair, which just makes me jealous, but boomers would have a fit) then the Karen’s would call the cops.

    Someone in the neighborhood called the cops about a black woman going through mailboxes. It was a postal worker, in uniform, in a clearly labeled mail truck. I just don’t get it.