Carighan Maconar

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Ah.

    That leads into my thinking of why it frankly doesn’t matter whether god exists or not. Either way, we would be unable to know one way or the other, and hence concerning ourselves with the question is inherently wasted effort.

    It’s like asking what is behind the edge of the universe. It does not matter. By definition we cannot perceive or interact with it, as the very concepts that make up our space of perception and interaction terminate at the edge. Likewise if there did exist a higher metaphysical entity, by definition it would exist outside of our sphere of perception and interaction, and hence it is exactly the same for us whether it does exist or not.

    Or, to quote Futurama:

  • It’s called Chinese Room and it’s exactly what “AI” is. It recombines pieces of data into “answers” to a “question”, despite not understanding the question, the answer it gives, or the piece sit uses.

    It has a very very complex chart of which elements in what combinations need to be in an answer for a question containing which elements in what combinations, but that’s all it does. It just sticks word barf together based on learned patterns with no understanding of words, language, context of meaning.