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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Rose could have been fine if they didn’t write her character as basically a cop during the introduction, a Mary Sue that figures out the weakness of tech where the start of the conversation was “that tech is impossible” (plus the weakness itself is completely out of left field), spend half of their field trip whining instead of doing their kinda urgent mission, and then the biggest thing she does is prevents a sacrifice that might have actually redeemed the movie somewhat, in a way that would have been physically impossible, given the scene leading up to it (ordered to retreat, she obeys, Finn ignores it and speeds at top speed towards the thing they were retreating from, then she somehow intercepts him from the side and both walk away).

    The people that harassed the actor that played her are massive pieces of shit and this by no means justifies their response, but Rose seems like a character designed to draw hate.

  • I hate people who decide after dealing with the first problem caused by a lack of a rule that hasn’t existed for however long things were going on before the problem that it calls for a very general rule to prevent it from ever happening again. And somehow these assholes often end up in positions where they can set rules like that.

    Zero tolerance policies in schools are another example. Suspending a kid for making finger guns isn’t going to prevent school shootings. Banning nicknames isn’t going to prevent anyone from ever insulting someone. It’s just lazy and comes from a desire to reduce complex situations that require thought and maybe complex solutions to simple situations that don’t require much thought and have a simple solution.

  • Funny how pictures like these reduce my nostalgia rather than increase it. I really don’t miss those monitors that were simultaneously tiny and huge. If any could handle 720p, they would have been high end. Moving them sucked, especially any that had a flat screen because they needed a lot more glass to properly refract the light.

    And that tiny laptop might have been considered large for the time, too.

    Edit: I do like that case, though. It’s probably lacking in air circulation and the components might not be properly grounded, but it looks decent.

  • Another bash.org memory (paraphrasing)…

    User: I just downloaded a song on Napster and when it finished, I noticed the guy I downloaded it from was now downloading it from me

    User: I sent him a message saying I just got that song from him

    User: He said, “I know, I’m getting my song back asshole”

  • Yeah, I wish C++ had function/scope epilogs and labeled loops/breaks, too. Those are the cases where the “never use goto” rule can be broken to make better code than adding all of the code that would be required to handle it the “right” way (setting up early exit flags and if statements after each level of nested loop to check the flag).

  • Good and bad faith doesn’t refer to anything about religion.

    Acting in good faith means you’re not using deception or hypocrisy and your words and arguments reflect your true beliefs and the intent behind your actions. You use words to express what they mean.

    Acting in bad faith means you present a false front to deceive others into thinking you are someone you are not. Your words and arguments do not align with what you believe or why you act. You use words to get what you want or confuse those who might otherwise oppose you.

    Not that that distinction makes it any easier to recognize good or bad faith in general. Or to convince those who put their faith in bad people that they should re-examine their position. It just doesn’t necessarily refer to any kind of religious experience.

  • Oh that’s nice that they allow that. I really hate in games where I go from dominating everyone that dares oppose me to a cutscene where my character gives up because a few people are pointing guns at me. Two minutes ago more people were not just pointing their guns at me but also shooting them.