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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)

    I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.

    And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution… so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)

  • I probably have explored furry punk to some extent - any game/cartoon in which the main character is a non-human animal technically counts for that, I should think. Bonus if they are anthropomorphized. But it’s not called furrypunk afaik, or I’d probably throw that in too.

    Beyond that I have no idea what those things even would be. Tho the current state of the US is very meat based so I think you’d have to go vegpunk on that one, at least where I’m at, for it to be an alternative option.

  • When I think of __punk, I think about it having a whole -way of life- change, not just an aesthetic change. Cyberpunk incorporates all of the dystopia of deeply embedded tech and stuff. Solarpunk is the whole “living with nature” ideal, even steampunk had to reimagine how things would work (tho admittedly that’s way more of an aesthetic than the other two imho).

    So it’s basically a meaningless term then? That’s disappointing. I really want to explore other… hypothetical options I suppose.

  • I mean I get that it’s used that way, but that doesn’t address what I want to know - are these “more than aesthetic”, or is it watering down what punk means by being applied too broadly?

    I tend to think it’s the latter, because while the three I called out specifically are an aesthetic, they are also “alternative present/future” in a rebellious and/or politicized sort of way. They are sort of “what if?” Or “this would be good/bad/interesting”.

    I don’t think the others really have that quality, but I’m not deeply involved with anything that would really help sort it out. So here I am :)

  • I grow stuff (mostly peppers and tomatoes for a while now, but I’m adding squash to hand pollinate and strawberries this year) in deep water culture hydro, which involves a 5 gallon bucket of nutrient water and an air pump creating bubbles. Super basic setup geared toward “permanent” plants that keep producing indefinitely, or big plants like weed. Works well since complex and long-term don’t mix well for me. Way way back in the day on the forum I used to frequent, dwc setups were called bubble buckets.

    And I like monkeys, I relate to them.

    However doing a quick internet search shows that apparently there’s an anonymous recreational drug information page under the same name (among numerous other things) so that’s a bit awkward… I’ve got nothing against drugs, but nothing to do with that site either.