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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • All of these are equally just abstractions meant to portray reality.

    I like to call these strings of coherency. There is no beginning or end to them. They are available in our situation because of their usefulness (also counting in abundancy or ease).

    So if something is “not true” or “made up”, it is not debunked by undeniable facts. It is debunked by how grounded it is to innumerable amounts of information.

    Thus you will never go all the way to debunk these. People who win something you know to be a “false argument” do so because nobody will stand up to him and go the x+10000 steps of reasoning he built up specifically for bulshitting he trained for.

    On the other hand, all of the “false” and “true” labelled arguments most likely stretch into infinity. In the end it really comes down to your “convenience”. That is the closest word I have for it.

    Its a mess, the purest thing you can ever have is consciousness.

  • The issue with what you did is that your data or info will get eventually replicated, but it has negligible chances of ending up on a site you deem worthy with the reddit debacle in mind.

    Social sites come and go. Information is somewhat more important and valuable.

    That is why most of what was done “aganist” reddit was a pretty rash decision. Congrats, you fucked (or at least tried) over reddit and now this info will eventually become available on the next shitty platform in line.

    Not like you need traction on lemmy because it is full of barely alive subs even now. Sure, just get rid of info out of personal anger towards a platform…

  • The overwhelming majority of the kernel development is heavily company financed. Are you saying that despite that, the very developer should get the stipend?

    Lets make one thing clear, exponentially increasing wealth/power the higher you are in society is a pretty heavy general rule of thumb to beat, whicever way you try moving the seats.

    Making such a system for devs will make a pretty wealthy class of people even more privileged with de facto rules that wont apply for the rest of society more in need of money and freedom, meaning actually owning the share of income from their work even over the pay the receive from the company.

    Making this a general rule for everyone will more like reshuffle thungs but the exponentiality will in some form persist. If you inevitably fuck it up the implementation phase, it wont get better any bit. You will have the same miserable pay except you own your work. So what.

  • I dont like probiotic “capsules”. I dont trust them to actually contain bacteria that will steer my stomach in a good direction in the long term. It is only really good for taking sporadically (stomach flu, bowel movements looking undigested, diarrhea) if that even.

    If you have taken adderall, you might easily be conflating certain effects when it comes to digestion. I also feel finer in the stomach when dopamine is pumping inside me. Does not mean its good for the stomach, just that dopamine is good at relieving introception.

  • I was reflecting on the original comment since that is the origin of this debate.

    And I did not mean that as a sincere question whether you know an alternative structure to capitalism. I think you cannot avoid it as it is inherently part of whatever you do, that is what I have been pointing out in multiple paragraphs.

    I dont think there is a way to make it work better for the majority. Larger systems have unavoidable exponentiality and slower self-correction ability.

    Except maybe some of the wealthiest countries that have no natural resources. Those are usually pretty uniform.

    I think the highest aim is almost always progression and growth. The right circumstances are most likely the lack of easily exploitable resources within a certain society.

  • What is the context? Seriously. Capitalism in my view is a controlled framework within which the general agreement is to give a wider control to individuals so they can create arbitrary entities that are more suited to solving certain issues. You can gain money, thus you are incentivized.

    Here are actual systems/organizations that can limit capitalism to small scale endevours:

    1. feudal hierarchies
    2. communist regimes
    3. Nazi regimes
    4. autocratic dictatorships
    5. small scale communes
    6. Military juntas

    Countries that have an actually good reputation in human rights, pollution, political conduct, are the most serious players of capitalism.

    The only reason the heavily socialist swedish subsidise your arse to no end and even make you found a company as a child, is so that you can do capitalism on a higher level. Well functioning socialism requires well functioning capitalist system. They synergise.

    So if you come to me with something like “capitalism bad”, I got no fucking way to react to that constructively. Elaborate, why did you arbitrarily put all the issues on the word “capitalism”.