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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That’s not because it’s not a communist society, that’s because our government is run by shills paid by corporations to keep it that way.

    Who runs a communist society? The people? Do we all take turns being president? What happens if it’s a bad dude’s turn and they don’t want to relinquish power?

    The problem isn’t necessarily the economic system, the problem is the leadership appointed, combined with the people’s willful ignorance of their actions. Late-stage capitalism is definitely a problem, but in its current implementation more of a symptom of the points above.

    tl;dr every system suffers from the same vulnerability: shitty people

  • Instead of “hating” can’t we just universally agree that the ultra-wealthy using private jets as their primary means of transportation is horrible for the environment and hold them all accountable for their part, considering their emissions are much larger than the average person and is only enabled by the money made in part from the emissions of others?

    It shouldn’t matter who they are or how many jets they have. Maybe they shouldn’t use private jets all the time if they don’t want the bad publicity.

  • Right, and the PS4 was released in late 2013, so its lifecycle from then to the release of the PS5 was 7 years.

    So being in the latter part of the PS5’s cycle is basically on par with the PS4, which only just saw its last new licensed title I believe.

    Further evidence, the PS5 JUST got a mid cycle refresh, indicating essentially a halfway point. It’s all speculation but to me this timeline seems basically in line with every previous generation.

    Playstation/PS One: 1994-2000 (6 years)

    PS2: 2000-2006 (6 years)

    PS3: 2006-2013 (7 years)

    PS4: 2013-2020 (7 years)

    PS5: 2020- (3+ years so far)

  • “Latter stage of its life cycle” basically means anything past the halfway point, and it’s already been out for like 4 years.

    Considering how long it has taken for PS4 games to stop being published and for PS5 games to really get going, it’ll be a relevant console for several more years at least.

    It’s not like it falls apart the second the PS6 is announced. I don’t like the thought of an accelerated console lifecycle either but this is such a vague statement a LOT of these reactions seems a little extreme for now.

  • Disclaimer: not an expert, this is just how I understand it after some googling:

    There isn’t a single standard for 3nm, despite the seemingly obvious size-related connotations. It’s more of a marketing term used by chip manufacturers to refer to their version of the next generation of chip-making processes they each have to create something smaller than the previous revision.

    Any time you shrink a processor you’re using less materials, which means it’s cheaper and allows more room for other things.

    Less materials also means less resistance, so a smaller chip is inherently either more power efficient, faster, or a little of both (depending on the chip and the design the manufacturer decides to go with).