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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’m trying to grow as a person and figure things out about the world.


    I’m not interested in talking about people, and for the most part, I’m not interested in talking about events either.

    You do know the world mostly consists of people and events? And that you yourself are mostly affected by people and events?

    Growing as a person as well as figure things out about the world is basically exactly what’s happening when you talk about people or events.

    Philosophy is actually barely useful for both (in a direct sense, of course it’s really useful to find the best reasons for doing it in the first place). More for growing as a person than figuring out the world.

  • You’re talking (partly) about two different things.

    The simple truth is that our planet only has a certain amount of replenishable resources which leads to only a certain standard of living being possible for a certain amount of people.

    Thus, the problem you’re talking about only gets solved by reducing the amount of people or the standard of living, globally.

    The problem OP is talking about is inequality in the standard of living between people.

    Outlawing billionaires alleviates both problems, but the general resources problem only temporarily until the people with lower standard of living now raise theirs by having more resources available, which is what you talk about.

    Inequality gets improved permanently by this, so it’s a good change for that problem.

    The limited resource problem you’re talking about, though, doesn’t get solved by this at all, there might be a short dip in less resources used while resources are being reallocated, but then it’ll likely go back to before, because most people use as much resources as they can to make their lives as nice as they can.

    To solve our problems, both population as well as standard of living need to be limited. Because if either one is allowed to grow infinitely, resources will never suffice long-term.

  • Azzu@lemm.eetoNo Stupid
    2 months ago

    It’s pretty simple. If they didn’t want to live, why didn’t they self-immolate in a place where no one can put them out? By choosing a place with people they implicitly accepted that there might be people there that would try to not let them die. Maybe they even subconsciously hoped to be stopped.

    Stopping physical harm happening to others is a very natural way of behavior. It’s almost certain it happens when a couple of people are present. You can’t ever blame someone for trying it.

    And then there’s the case of open fire being able to spread and hurt others.

  • I was speaking of something substantial and specific, not just some abstract stuff. For example, idk, "why not halt all arms deliveries to Ukraine? We need the weapons/money ourselves. I.e. some actual question about the topic. Because if you can’t form a question like that, then it doesn’t even make sense really to “hear a different perspective” as this different perspective will have no meaning for you.

    But it seems anyway, after reading OPs responses to this thread, that they don’t really care about diverse viewpoints, just about their own viewpoints not being disregarded/dismissed/argued against.

  • It’s certainly a possible choice. I can’t really help you with that though, you got to know yourself if that’s right for you.

    For me, I felt terrible throughout a majority of my life. I don’t know if I was lucky or what, but I somehow never seriously considered ending my life. For me, that was really good, because I could have never imagined how good my life can be. If I look at today, it would just be extremely sad if I didn’t get to experience such a happy state.

    I don’t know what your future holds, no one does. But I personally think that there’s at least a chance that you’d experience the same thing.

  • I remember you from that psych ward post the other day :)

    I think you can definitely live a fulfilling life. I have high functioning autism myself and I live one.

    But you will not be “normal”. Yes, you’ll always be a “weirdo”. I’m also very much so a weirdo.

    There are NT people in here that say everyone is weird, and they’re pretty much correct. But if you’re autistic you’re still “more weird” in many ways and faced with more challenges socially.

    The trick is to figure out how to be fine with that reality. I assure you that it’s possible. But “figuring out how to be fine with it” necessarily implies that you have to change yourself, your mindset, what you believe is true. It requires constant evaluation of yourself and of trying out new things, new ways of thinking, new beliefs.

    So yeah, I’m sure you can live a fulfilling life :) just try to be open to new things, try to seek them out as much as you can, and try to be open to change :)

  • I’m not, or I try to not be, I promise. But you’ve just threatened to hurt the staff of these facilities. I know that unfortunately you can’t or don’t want to understand. But you’ve now got feelings of vengeance that don’t seem to be entirely justified from an outsider’s perspective. From your own perspective, they are completely justified. This discrepancy is causing the issues.