Se [Fabiano] aprendesse qualquer coisa, necessitaria aprender mais, e nunca ficaria satisfeito.

Hans Asperger was a Nazi collaborator.

I had a great idea, what if we tried to do science, but with data??

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • You should probably watch the video because it’s not about that. It’s about how any UBI “solution” will inherently be a concession from the ruling class that can and will be taken away or gutted, just like the NHS, unemployment benefits or whatevers other wellfare state measures have been tried in the past.

    And he goes on to point out that as long as the current ruling class holds the political power, any such measures that depend on begging for them to change things and keep them good are bound to failure, cut corners or downright sabotage. His point is that it’s a futile effort without the working class also seizing political power.

    TL;DR: Read Lenin and while at it read Luxemburg’s Reform or Revolution too

  • Now, hear me out, this might sound crazy, but what if Europe gave historic reparations to Latin American countries for their colonialism and imperialism, therefore reducing the need for further deforestation? Though in all honesty a large portion of the current day deforestation is for soy plantations, which is used to make livestock rations that then go on to feed European and Yankee livestock for the profit of the local latifundiarios and nobody else. Despite what it may seem, most Brazilians (and the other countries) don’t really want more deforestation nor are they benefited by it.

    And that’s not even counting all the indigenous people who are actively fighting the destruction and takeover of their lands, including a recent vote over legislation that could’ve legally barred them from claiming a lot of it.

  • I don’t know the internals of Bing, but they have some triggers which themselves seem to be made with NLP. They use it a lot to fetch web info. That means that if the model somehow produces some creative version of a crime that doesn’t get caught, it’ll just send.

    I think this is why Bing sometimes refuses to continue the conversation, or ChatGPT will flag its own text as against their terms sometimes. But yeah, they definitely can encourage how to crime sometimes, I’ve made ChatGPT explicitly tell me how to replicate some crimes like the Armin Meiwes cannibalism one while bored.

  • They aren’t “programmed” to do something, they just produce likely text. If it somehow “learned” from portions of the data to threaten to dox people in circumstances like this, it just replicates that. The programmers themselves likely never saw that portion of the corpus with 4chan bickering, since the dataset is usually impossibly large.

  • This aggression is definitely not warranted, I was merely providing feedback. Since these posts are pinned on the communism sub, I assumed it was an official thing and that feedback could be useful to further the develop the book club. I understand your reasons for keeping it this way, and I’m also not trying to force anybody here to do things different by just providing my perspective on what I think works best. Have fun with your studies, I might still participate again if I find anything actually interesting to say.

  • albigu@lemmygrad.mltoCommunism@lemmygrad.mlTheory Thursday
    11 months ago

    I may be speaking out of my ass here since I’ve never done a book club, but I don’t think that going through short pamphlets such as this one piecemeal is very conducive to interesting discussion. In the particular case of this one, it is only a short preface right now that there isn’t much to discuss, but on a broader scope it can get into an awkward spot where most discussion will rely on either the further chapters or other sources. I understand that plenty of users are new to Marxism, but I think this format might fit better for larger books, since I’m pretty sure one can read the whole Wage Labour in 1-2 hours at most, which is quite a bit, but not enough to split it over what looks like will be 5 weeks.

    Maybe we could have the “Thursday” thing be only for the name but make it a weeklong thing? I don’t even know what to say about the first two parts other than “They go in further depth later on.” I guess I could make a point that I don’t remember them making there, that inflation without increase in wages is often just the reallocation and expansion of the surplus value to better benefit the bourgeoisie.

  • In contrast with liberal “democracies” we can see how they treat referendums as this random thing done with a year or two of preparation, and that whatever is the outcome is the will of Godthe people, which is immutable and can only be tested once in a generation, so long as they benefit the ruling class. Brexit got voted for, therefore it must happen no matter what, but the indyref didn’t get the 50% so better wait until all Scots die of old age. And when the result of the referendum goes overwhelmingly against the ruling class interest, like in Donetsk/Luhansk or even in Catalunya, then it must’ve been stuffed ballots, and it was illegal, and no we won’t redo the referendum to test that hypothesis.