Wage Labour and Capital #3

Hello everyone, welcome to Theory Thursday! This is a community led project, the point of these posts is to read about 30 minutes of theory every Thursday. Then we discuss with fellow comrades the contents of the reading. This week’s topic we are covering Karl Marx’s Wage Labour and Capital chapter 6 (relation of wage labor to capital) to the end.

Discussion #1: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1134970

Discussion #2: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/1241612

The Reading: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/wage-labour/index.htm

The Study Guide: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/wage-labour/guide.htm

Study Guide questions:


Relation of wage-labor to capital

  1. Can we think of even more factors governing the rise and fall of real wages?
  2. What does “standard of living” mean? Has it increased over the past 100 years in your country (or not)? Why?
  3. What is the effect on profits of a situation where people work long hours every day of the week (other things being equal)? And on the other hand, of people only having a few hours work a week?

The general law that determines the rise and fall of wages and profit

  1. Marx says that the gap between rich and poor was getting wider in his day. Is this true today? Has it always been true throughout the past hundred years in your country? And what about differences within the working class? Are these getting bigger or smaller?
  2. Where does profit come from? If commodities are paid for at their value, how can a buyer or seller consistently make a profit and get rich? – Does your answer cover how bankers, landlords, stock-brokers and so on get rich?

The interests of capital and wage-labor are diametrically opposed

  1. Discuss an example you know about of a new technique of production being introduced and the effects this had on prices, wages, etc.
  2. Discuss the contrast between “labour intensive” and “capital intensive” industries. What parts of the economy are becoming more capital intensive, and which are not?

Effect of capitalist competition on the capitalist, middle and working class

  1. Discuss the prospects for wages in your country at the moment and what tactics could be used to improve wages.
  2. What is your answer to someone who says that an increase in wages will only cause inflation or cause capital to be withdrawn from the country.
  3. Why is the fight for better wages anything to do with the fight for socialism? What would you say to someone who said that fighting for higher wages is just being greedy like the capitalists?
  4. Many workers are not paid wages, but work on contracts, or on piece-work. How does this effect what Marx has been saying about the value of Labour Power, and so on.?

Feel free to discus below your thoughts or insight into this reading.



With a heavy heart I’m afraid I must put this project on an indefinite hiatus. My life is going through a pretty bad rough patch at the moment. I’ve got huge life commitments coming up that require my full attention and energy. I will be focused on my personal life, my family, the community, and the future. Covering basic survival and life obligations come first. I won’t be much help to the cause if I’m starving to death or living on the street. I will still pop in occasionally to the ‘grad to say hello and comment. While I might be done with Theory Thursday, for now, when I get to a better spot in my life I’d like to pick it back up again. I’ll probably be back in a few months. This is very disappointing because I’ve been really enjoying this, overall I’ve learned a lot from the reading and from all of the comrades who’ve taken the time to participate. I want to thank everyone who’s taken part in this, you are the reason I went to all of this time/effort to make this. Thanks to you comrades I’ve learned so much about theory, life, society, and myself. Goodbye comrades, I leave you with an Irish blessing: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Check out the sidebar for additional resources, including comrade CriticalResist8’s ProleWiki study guide, also check out comrade GrainEater’s Matrix study group if you’d like to study additional theory.



Why are we only doing 30 minutes worth of reading?

  1. I’m a very busy person and don’t have time to do more
  2. This format is specifically designed for people with busy schedules to participate
  3. It is proven that the best way to digest information is a little bit at a time

Still not satisfied? I recommend starting your own study session, reading at your own pace, or joining an additional study group.

I’m open to constructive criticism, key word there being constructive. Just keep in mind I’m a flawed human being who’s volunteering my limited time and energy to do this.

  • TT17@lemmygrad.mlOP
    1 year ago


    1. As we’ve seen so far wages are determined by technology, the cost of labor/production, the cost of keeping the species alive, and the general prosperity of the capitalist.
    2. It just means the general well being of the population of their respective country. I live in the imperial core, so yes the standard of living has risen pretty drastically over 100 years. This is mostly due to unequal exchange via the forced colonization/exploitation/extraction of colonized group’s labor/resources in both the imperial core and the global south.
    3. The capitalist keeps workers busy for prolonged periods of time, well beyond the amount needed to cover their wages. This is the way capitalists squeeze every drop of labor-power out of it’s workers for maximum profits for the capitalist.
    4. The gap between rich and poor has drastically widened since the implementation of Reaganomics of the 80’s. While this has always been the case, it’s gotten particularly bad since then. Differences among the ‘working class’ here has been amplified as well, with more people falling into desperation and poverty over the years. Basic necessities for survival are becoming more out of reach for your average person, including access to food, water, and shelter.
    5. I’m going to let Marx answer this one: “The selling price of the commodities produced by the worker is divided, from the point of view of the capitalist, into three parts: First, the replacement of the price of the raw materials advanced by him, in addition to the replacement of the wear and tear of the tools, machines, and other instruments of labor likewise advanced by him; Second, the replacement of the wages advanced; and Third, the surplus leftover – i.e., the profit of the capitalist. While the first part merely replaces previously existing values, it is evident that the replacement of the wages and the surplus (the profit of capital) are as a whole taken out of the new value, which is produced by the labor of the worker and added to the raw materials. And in this sense we can view wages as well as profit, for the purpose of comparing them with each other, as shares in the product of the worker.” This answer explains why the capitalist gets surplus profit, and thus becomes rich via exploitation. It doesn’t cover bankers, landlords, or stock-brokers, who get rich via siphoning off and the swindling of the wages from the workers.
    6. The cotton gin is a very tragic, but great example of this process. With the introduction of the cotton gin, it greatly lowered the labor-power necessary for production, and lowered the price of cotton on the market. Thereby increasing profits for the plantation owners, caused rapid expansion of the slave trade, and textile industry. The vast political/moral consequences and human devastation caused from this are ongoing.
    7. I’m not entirely sure what this question has to do with the reading. Marx makes no distinction between ‘labor/capital intensive’ industries in the chapter. If I were to guess, I’d say that construction would be an example of a ‘labor intensive’ industry. While being a landlord or realtor would be an example of a ‘capital intensive’ industry. Automation of grocery store checkouts would be an example of a labor intensive industry switching into a more capital intensive industry. Meanwhile you could make the argument that the increase of automation has increased the need for workers to maintain the machines, thus turning it from a capital intensive industry into a labor intensive one. Might be a stretch but those were the best examples I could think of off of the top of my head.
    8. Seizing the means of production and general redistribution under a worker run state.
    9. I’d say ‘that’s interesting, please face the wall now’. Jokes aside, there is no correlation between rising wages and inflation. Nor will the capitalist pay a ton of money to move production somewhere else over a mild increase in wages. Capital flight will only happen if they fear losing everything, or if the cost of production is vastly cheaper somewhere else. Raising the minimum wage by a dollar won’t cause capital flight.
    10. Socialism is about human empowerment, eliminating surplus profit from the capitalist and giving back the worker the value they created is directly related to socialism. I would chuckle and say that your status has nothing to do with how much money you posses. Rather it’s about your relationship to the means of production, and workers should be entitled to the value they create via their labor-power. If somebody robs me of my possessions, would it be greedy to take back what is rightfully yours?
    11. It doesn’t, early on in the reading he makes this distinction between labor and labor-power. Using my answer from last time: Labor is when you do work in general. Labor-power is a commodity that you sell to a capitalist in exchange for wages. If I labor to make a pizza at home then sell that pizza to a buyer, that would be an example of me ‘selling my labor’. If I were to go to the capitalist pizza shop owner and agree to make pizza for them, for a certain amount of time, for a fixed wage. This would be an example of me ‘selling my labor power’ as a commodity to the capitalist.