The discourse on American politics sometimes devolves to “Leftists who won’t vote” & “MAGA Republicans” teaming up to “getting revenge on liberals”.

    3 months ago

    I never said that abstaining from voting is the right move here, quite the opposite, I’m completely for harm reduction and would vote for the democrat option everytime. Don’t know how you got that from my post. It’s just so weird for me that none of the blame is placed on the democratic party and it’s establishment canidates doing jack-shit and when they lost in 2016 because of sheer incompetency, it’s somehow the fault of “leftists abstaining to vote” (any sources on that claim? Anyone got any stats on that?)

    Also, drop the sarcastic tone when you lack reading comprehention this much. Nowhere in my post was abstaining to vote even implied to be the best course of action (it’s not), I was just asking why noone seems to blame the DNC for it’s incompetency.

      3 months ago

      Fuck the DNC their corrupt system pushed Bernie out unfairly. There’s no disagreement there. But people abstain from voting because they’re upset with the DNC. That’s what I have an issue with. That’s like getting mad at fire so you let it burn your house down.

      Sorry didn’t mean to come off so harsh.